How to keep cool at work during the heatwave The Met Office has extended an Amber Extreme heat warning, as temperatures look to build later this week and early next week for much of England and Wales. According to the HSE, the law does not state a minimum or maximum temperature, but the temperature in […]
Tag: fall from height
Week Commencing 04/07/2022 – In The News
‘80% of telescopic ladders sold online fail safety regulations’ New research by the Ladder Association has found that a staggering amount of unsafe and potentially dangerous ladders are being sold to unsuspecting consumers in the UK. While there are manufacturers producing ladders that meet the safety standards, the study showed that a significant number of […]
Safety Spotlight: Working at Height & Ladder Safety
As part of July’s Hazard of the Month, Working at Height, we’re highlighting two key areas: Working at Height and Ladder Safety. Working at Height Working at height is one of the biggest causes of fatalities and major injuries in the workplace, with 25% of all worker deaths in 2020/21 being caused by falls from […]
Week Commencing 18/04/2022 – In The News
Haulage drivers set to benefit from £20m funding to improve roadside facilities £20 million has been allocated to improve safety, security, lighting and shower rooms at roadside services for heavy goods vehicle (HGV) drivers. HGV drivers will benefit from £20m funding, which is set to improve the safety and security of roadside facilities, with the […]
Week Commencing 18/10/21 – In The News
How to become a ‘walrus detective’ as WWF calls for public to help with conservation research The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is looking for members of the public to become “walrus detectives” in a bid to help researchers understand more about the population of Atlantic and Laptev walruses. With the climate crisis impacting […]
Why is Working at Height ‘The Most Dangerous Construction Activity’?
It’s safe to say that most people are aware that if you fall from a building, the likelihood is that you’re going to hurt yourself. So why is it that in the workplace the accident statistics for falling from height are still so high? In 2020 and 2021 falls from height continue to be the […]
Week Commencing 09/08/2021 – In The News
IPCC Report Casts Somber Outlook on Global Warming A report released this week by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has said that human activity is changing the climate in unprecedented and sometimes irreversible ways. The landmark study warns of increasingly extreme heatwaves, droughts and flooding, and temperature limits agreed under the Paris […]
Week Commencing 17/05/2021 – In The News
Area of Forest the Size of France Has Regrown Naturally in the Last 20 Years, Study Suggests A study by WWF suggests an area of forest the size of France has regrown naturally across the world in the last 20 years. The team led by WWF used satellite data to build a map of regenerated forests. […]
Week Commencing 05/04/2021 – In The News
Construction Firm & Director Sentenced After Worker Falls From Height A construction firm and its director have been fined after a self-employed labourer fell almost four meters through a fragile skylight on 22nd February 2019. He suffered head and facial injuries and was knocked unconscious. He spent nearly two weeks in hospital. An investigation by the HSE found that the work had not […]
Week Commencing 22/03/2021 – In The News
Drayton Manor Fined £1M After Death of Schoolgirl on Water Ride Drayton Manor Park Ltd has been sentenced following the death of a schoolgirl on its Splash Canyon water ride in 2017, however, their fine will never be paid as the company is in administration. Since the incident, Drayton Manor Park has changed hands and […]