Week Commencing 24/06/2024 – In The News

Fears expressed over fire safety of new lithium-ion battery storage site Concerns have been raised over fire safety arrangements at a proposed new battery storage site in Scotland, after it was revealed that the local fire service did not have the right equipment to deal with a fire there. Local residents and councillors in Cockenzie […]

Top 10 Tips for Encouraging Healthy Habits in the Workplace

Healthy habits in the workplace can have a positive effect on not only the individuals within the business, but across the whole organisation. A health-conscious workplace is more likely to have happy, healthy, and productive employees who are able to strike a good balance between work and their personal lives. 1. Encourage all annual leave […]

Week Commencing 11/09/2023 – In The News

Call for government to publish risk register for public buildings The TUC has called on the government to publish a national risk register for all public buildings. In a statement, the union body warns that the RAAC crisis in schools is likely to be just the “tip of the iceberg” with hospitals, libraries, community centres […]

Week Commencing 12/06/2023 – In The News

Gladiator sequel crew members injured in stunt sequence on set Several crew members filming the Gladiator sequel in Morocco have been injured in a stunt accident on set. The film’s production company Paramount Pictures said the injuries were non life-threatening and happened while shooting a planned stunt sequence. The crew members were “all in stable […]

Week Commencing 23/01/2023 – In The News

Research reveals alarming NHS asbestos figures The TUC and a group of MPs have warned hundreds of NHS buildings across London still contain asbestos – including hospitals. The research was carried out by Labour Research Department (LRD) for the TUC and the All Party Parliamentary Group on Occupational Safety and Health. Asbestos is still the biggest […]

Top 10 Tips for Effective Time Management

The main aim of effective time management is to allow you to achieve more in less time – however, that’s not the only benefit! Managing your time properly can also lead to reduced stress at work, less procrastination, improved work quality and more. It can seem daunting to change your work habits, so we’ve put […]

Week Commencing 28/09/2020 – In The News

Cogs in black and white.

New Hazard of the Month! WA Management are pleased to announce that our hazard of the month for October will be Machinery Failure! We will be helping you to make sure you keep up-to-date with your inspections so that your equipment remains in the best condition, especially when this may have been neglected during lockdown! As […]

Week Commencing 02/12/2019 – In The News

A scientist wear face protection looking into a microscope.

10% Off Our Online Training Courses! December‘s, and the last of 2019‘s, Hazard of the Month has been announced to be ‘Trespassing’ in honour of the festive visitor that drops down the chimney every Christmas Eve! Whilst he is a welcome guest, unwanted visitors to sites can be put in danger if they come into […]