Week Commencing 23/11/2020 – In The News

A swirling pile of books

Black Friday Sale! WA Management are pleased to announce we are currently offering 30% off all our online training courses as part of our Black Friday Deal! Getting a whole team or company together for a training day is never easy but it is especially difficult in current times. Our E-learning courses provimentde easy and accessible training […]

Week Commencing 16/11/2020 – In The News

COVID-19 spelt out in small white tablets surrounded by microscopic viruses against a red background.

Moderna Covid Vaccine Shows Nearly 95% Protection A new vaccine that protects against Covid-19 is nearly 95% effective, early data from US company Moderna shows. The results come hot on the heels of similar results from Pfizer, and add to growing confidence that vaccines can help end the pandemic. The trial involved 30,000 people in […]

Safety Spotlight – Driving Safely & Time Management

Different coloured stop watches piled together.

For the month of November, we are putting in the spotlight two key areas relating to our Hazard of the Month. Driving Safely Driving Safely is important no matter what the weather, but in Autumn and Winter as nights grow darker more quickly and cold weather brings rain, snow and ice, it is more crucial than […]

Week Commencing 09/11/2020 – In The News

A worker driving a forklift with products on.

Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine found to be 90% effective The coronavirus vaccine being developed by Pfizer and BioNTech has been found to be 90% effective in preventing people from getting the virus. Phase 3 of Pfizer’s trial involved 43,538 participants from six countries. They received two doses of either the immunisation or a placebo, with 90% […]

7 Essential Winter Driving Safety Tips

A snowy road.

This November, we are focusing on Driving as our Hazard of the Month. As the cold creeps in and the lights switch on at 5pm, it is important to be especially careful when driving this Autumn/Winter period. The Dangers of Driving in Winter Conditions Just like we change how we dress in different seasons, motorists need […]

Safety Spotlight – Abrasive Wheels & Lock Out, Tag Out

Sparks flying from a saw.

For the month of October, we are putting in the spotlight two key areas relating to our Hazard of the Month, Machinery Failure. Abrasive Wheels Accident statistics indicate that nearly half of all accidents involving abrasive wheels occur because of an unsafe system of work or operator error. Therefore, it is crucial that the user is […]

Week Commencing 19/10/2020 – In The News

Wheels of a truck with a red centre, with another green truck behind them.

IOSH Leading Safely Courses Running Soon! WA Management are pleased to announce we will soon be running an IOSH Leading Safely training course, both in-person and remotely! The Leading Safely course gives anyone with leadership responsibility the practical knowledge and the strategic solutions for sustainable business advantage through good safety and health practice. Keep an […]

Preventing Machinery Failure

The Effect of Coronavirus on Equipment Testing and Examination During the coronavirus pandemic, the HSE has made it clear they understand businesses may find it difficult to carry out their legal duty to do thorough examination and testing of equipment. It may be difficult to complete thorough examination and testing on time during the pandemic […]

Week Commencing 05/10/2020 – In The News

A man completing work in a factory with protective gloves on.

Asbestos Training in the Construction Industry Sinks to 5 Year Low The coronavirus pandemic has seen the numbers of workers undertaking asbestos training drop by over 66%. Despite the re-opening of construction sites in May, the number of workers undertaking asbestos training courses continues to remain well below average and are at their lowest level […]

Week Commencing 28/09/2020 – In The News

Cogs in black and white.

New Hazard of the Month! WA Management are pleased to announce that our hazard of the month for October will be Machinery Failure! We will be helping you to make sure you keep up-to-date with your inspections so that your equipment remains in the best condition, especially when this may have been neglected during lockdown! As […]