Category: Health and Safety

WA Management blog posts relating to Health and Safety.

Week Commencing 03/08/2020 – In The News

A brightly-lit motorway against the night sky.

New Hazard of the Month! WA Management’s new hazard of the month for August is Injuries & Accidents! Whilst this may sound gloomy for such a summery month, we will be focusing on keeping you safe over the holidays whilst at home as well as in the workplace. From hot weather to common workplace hazards, it’s […]

Week Commencing 27/07/2020 – In The News

Scaffolding with the sun setting in the background.

Amazon Removes Balcony BBQs After Fire Safety Concerns Retail giant Amazon has removed a number of barbecues specifically designed for use on balconies from sale over serious safety concerns highlighted by the London Fire Brigade. The Brigade’s Deputy Commissioner Richard Mills wrote to the firm and other companies that stock or manufacture the products last month, […]

Week commencing 20/07/2020 – In The News

A syringe and vial being held in someone's hand.

Face Coverings Now Mandatory in Shops Face coverings are now compulsory for customers in shops in England.  Coverings are mandatory in enclosed public spaces such as supermarkets, indoor shopping centres, transport hubs, banks and takeaways. Police can hand out fines of up to £100 to those who do not comply. Guidance issued by the government on Thursday […]

Week Commencing 13/07/2020 – In The News

A tall block of scaffolding.

New Research Blog Released! As part of our Hazard of the Month, Returning to Work, we have released a new Research Blog that focuses on things to consider before employees make a safe return back to the office. This includes advice on the ending of shielding from the start of August, how to make your […]

Returning to Work

A woman sat on the floor in a living room on a laptop.

New Hazard of the Month Our Hazard of the Month is focusing on Returning to Work as many of us may now be back in the office and on-site. Apart from just remembering what it is like to not be in your pyjamas all day, there are a number of considerations to be aware of to make […]

Week Commencing 06/07/2020 – In The News

One Dead and Several Injured After Crane Collapse An 85-year-old woman has died and several others have been injured after a 20-metre crane collapsed on houses in East London. On Wednesday afternoon, the crane fell onto houses and a block of flats which were being built in London. The woman was found on the first floor of […]

Covid-19 Toolbox Talk Update

'Coronavirus Update' in a blue font alongside two blue megaphone illustrations against a slightly transparent green background which features viruses under a microscope.

We have updated our Covid-19/Coronavirus Toolbox talk to include all of the recent guidance. We have also changed the format to aid you in easy printing where needed!

LEV (Local Exhaust Ventilation)

Dust being blown about in the air.

LEV (Local Exhaust Extraction) is an engineering control system to reduce exposures to airborne contaminants such as dust, mist, fumes, vapour or gas in a workplace by capturing the emission at source and transporting it to a safe emission point or to a filter/scrubber. Common components of an LEV system are as follows; Hood: This […]

Covid-19 Toolbox Talk Update

'Coronavirus Update' in a blue font alongside two blue megaphone illustrations against a slightly transparent green background which features viruses under a microscope.

We have updated our Covid-19/Coronavirus Toolbox talk to include all of the recent guidance. We have also changed the format to aid you in easy printing where needed! The above can also be used in conjunction with our Coronvirus posters=:

Hearing Protection

A pair of orange ear muffs hanging off a post.

Hearing Protection Noise is part and parcel of our day to day lives; however, too much noise can cause permanent damage to our hearing. Both Acute and Chronic Noise exposure can lead to impaired hearing, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), psychological effects such as stress as well as cardiovascular effects such as hypertension. It was […]