Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls at Work

Any workplace can carry the risk of slips, trips, and falls. Causing 40 percent of all reported major injuries per year, they are the most common cause of injury at work, and cost employers over £500m per year. Keep reading to learn how to prevent slips, trips, and falls in your workplace. What is the […]

Week Commencing 04/12/2023 – In The News

Keep workers stay safe and warm, urges HSE Great Britain’s workplace regulator, the Health and Safety Executive, is stressing the importance of protecting workers during the cold weather. It comes as the Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for ice and snow for parts of the UK. John Rowe, head of operational strategy said, “We’re calling […]

Driving for Work: Staying Safe on the Road

Driving is one of the most dangerous work activities, with numerous potential hazards including, weather, fatigue, other road users, traffic, roadworks, vehicle condition, and lone working risks. If your employees drive as part of their role, this must be accounted for in your health and safety arrangements. Keep reading to learn more about employer responsibilities, […]

Week Commencing 04/10/2021 – In The News

Nearly half of toys bought online from third party sellers are ‘unsafe’, report finds Nearly half of the toys purchased from third-party sellers via online marketplaces were unsafe for children to play with, a new study has found. The report commissioned by the British Toy and Hobby Association (BTHA) found many of the potential gifts could […]

Week Commencing 19/07/2021 – In The News

The sun shining brightly in the sky among clouds.

£30K Fine For Company After Worker Injured by Forklift Truck A facility services company operating at Winchester prison has been fined after a worker suffered a broken leg when he was struck by a forklift truck (FLT). On 23 May 2019, the Gov Facility Services Limited employee was carrying out inspections of drain covers adjacent […]

Week commencing 25th June 2018 – In the News

A field with the sun-setting in the background.

TUC issues Health and Safety advice for scorching summer temperatures As workers across the nation enjoy a rare and pleasant episode of gorgeous sunny weather, the Trade Union Congress (TUC) offers advice on what employers can do to protect their workforce. Here at WA Management, we echo the advice of drinking lots of fluids, wearing […]

Extreme Weather Safety Guidelines Demanded By Unions

The construction union UCATT is calling for extreme weather health and safety guidelines to be introduced for construction workers. They are also demanding that housing sites be closed down when temperatures fall below freezing. In a statement, the union explained that the National House Building Council (NHBC) has set rules for mortar not to be […]