Tag: online shop

Staying Safe Over Summer

The sun shining brightly in the sky among clouds.

As temperatures soar this week in the UK, WA Management are focusing in this month’s research blog on how to keep safe over the summer, particularly when working in the heat, as well as reminding you of general workplace safety with the return to work amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. What is Heat Stress? In many […]

Week Commencing 03/08/2020 – In The News

A brightly-lit motorway against the night sky.

New Hazard of the Month! WA Management’s new hazard of the month for August is Injuries & Accidents! Whilst this may sound gloomy for such a summery month, we will be focusing on keeping you safe over the holidays whilst at home as well as in the workplace. From hot weather to common workplace hazards, it’s […]

Week Commencing 13/07/2020 – In The News

A tall block of scaffolding.

New Research Blog Released! As part of our Hazard of the Month, Returning to Work, we have released a new Research Blog that focuses on things to consider before employees make a safe return back to the office. This includes advice on the ending of shielding from the start of August, how to make your […]

Returning to Work

A woman sat on the floor in a living room on a laptop.

New Hazard of the Month Our Hazard of the Month is focusing on Returning to Work as many of us may now be back in the office and on-site. Apart from just remembering what it is like to not be in your pyjamas all day, there are a number of considerations to be aware of to make […]

Week Commencing 23/03/2020 – In The News

Glass tubes containing different coloured chemicals.

Coronavirus Update As we are sure you are already aware, the government has now imposed stricter measures to combat the coronavirus pandemic in the UK. You may now only leave the home to: exercise once a day travel to and from work where “absolutely necessary” shop for essential items fulfil any medical or care needs. The Prime Minister also […]

Week Commencing 16/03/2020 – In The News

A virus under a microscope all in green.

Coronavirus Update & Resources This week, the strategy against the coronavirus pandemic was stepped up by the UK government. Working from home is advised to anyone who can and schools are to shut from today for an indefinite period of time, except for the children of key workers. You are also to stay at home […]

Week Commencing 09/03/2020 – In The News

The exterior of a large factory.

Updated Coronavirus Advice On Thursday 12th March, PM Boris Johnson announced new measures aimed at protecting the elderly and those most vulnerable to the coronavirus, which included: Anyone with a “new, continuous” cough or high temperature is advised to self-isolate for seven days. Testing will now only focus on identifying people with the virus in hospital. Schools […]

Equality, Diversity and Unity

A women wearing a red jacket with a hi-vis vest on top, safety goggles and hearing protection.

March’s Hazard: Discrimination We have announced that the Hazard of the Month for March is Discrimination, particularly in the workplace. This was influenced by the occurrence of International Women’s Day on 8th March, a day to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women. Additionally, with the current outbreak of coronavirus, […]

Week Commencing 02/03/2020 – In The News

Cogs in black and white.

Child Fatally Injured After Pole Pins Him Against Fence SPIE Limited has been fined after a child was fatally injured when he was trapped between an unsecured pole and a fence. Dumfries Sheriff Court heard that, on 15 October 2017, an employee of SPIE Limited delivered an overhead power pole to a roadside verge adjacent to […]

Week Commencing 10/02/2020 – In The News

Blocks of high-rise flats.

❤ Valentine’s Day Course Offer! ❤ To celebrate Valentine’s Day on Friday 14th February, we are offering 50% off our Communications online training course with the code ‘Love20’ – valid for this weekend only! This course will help you to improve your personal and business communication skills on both a verbal and non-verbal level, so that your everyday interactions are more productive and meaningful. This will be especially […]