Fire Safety – The Essentials

hand holding top of a fire extinguisher

When it comes to workplace hazards, fire is one of the most universal. Whether you work in an office, factory, warehouse or even outdoors, a proper fire risk assessment is absolutely essential. Most fires are preventable, and this blog will focus on the steps you can take to protect yourself and your employees from this […]

First Aid: Heart Attacks

What is a Heart Attack? A heart attack is a serious medical emergency in which the supply of the blood to the heart is suddenly blocked. This lack of blood may seriously damage the heart muscle and can be life threatening. Over time fat, cholesterol and other substances build up and form a plaque in […]

Mental Health Matters: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

A woman showing signs of anxiety and stress by sitting with her hands covering her face.

What is PTSD? Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is is an anxiety disorder caused by very stressful, frightening or distressing events. Someone with PTSD often relives the traumatic event through nightmares and flashbacks and may experience feelings of isolation, irritability and guilt. These symptoms are often severe and persistent enough to have a significant impact on the person’s day-to-day […]

First Aid: Anaphylaxis

Epinepherine Auto-Injectors with Teal Background

What is Anaphylaxis? Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction, it can occur when someone is exposed to something they are allergic to (known as an allergen). Reactions normally begin within minutes and progress rapidly, but they can be delayed by up to 2-3 hours. Anaphylaxis is potentially life-threatening and always requires an emergency medical response. […]

Week Commencing 26/04/2021 – In The News

Factories emitting large amounts of smoke.

Major Surge in CO2 Emissions Expected As World Rebounds From Pandemic In last week’s news blog we reported that the UK government has set radical new climate change targets and recent data shows it is needed more than ever. According to The International Energy Agency (IEA), a surge of carbon emissions is predicted to occur […]

Week Commencing 05/04/2021 – In The News

A wind turbine in a field surrounded by mountains.

Construction Firm & Director Sentenced After Worker Falls From Height A construction firm and its director have been fined after a self-employed labourer fell almost four meters through a fragile skylight on 22nd February 2019. He suffered head and facial injuries and was knocked unconscious. He spent nearly two weeks in hospital. An investigation by the HSE found that the work had not […]

First Aid: Strokes – Act FAST

Infograph for Act F.A.S.T (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) campaign that tells you the symptoms of a stroke.

What Happens During a Stroke? We have all no doubt seen the campaign, when stroke strikes you must Act FAST, but what exactly is happening during a stroke and how common is it? The latest data shows that a stroke occurs every five minutes and 100,000 people have strokes each year. Stroke is a type […]

Week Commencing 22/02/2021 – In The News

A medical worker wearing a face mask and protective eyewear..

Lockdown Roadmap Announced The Government has announced its roadmap for gradually easing lockdown restrictions in England. It has four main steps: In the first step of the prime minister’s roadmap, all pupils in England’s schools are expected to return to class from 8 March, with mass testing and wider use of face masks in secondary schools. […]

First Aid: Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Man having chest pain

Would You Recognise Someone In Cardiac Arrest? In 1997, my Dad suffered his first Cardiac Arrest whilst watching Coventry City Football Club (cue team-related mickey-taking). If it wasn’t for the actions of members of the crowd on that day, he still wouldn’t be here 14 years later. Would you be able to recognise someone in […]

Week Commencing 15/02/2021 – In The News

Factories emitting large amounts of smoke.

Toxic Air Puts Six Million at Risk of Lung Damage About six million people aged over 65 in England are at high risk of lung damage and asthma attacks because of toxic air, according to a new report from the British Lung Foundation (BLF) and Asthma UK. It also found that: Older people and those […]