Tag: Construction

Covid-19 Toolbox Talk Update

'Coronavirus Update' in a blue font alongside two blue megaphone illustrations against a slightly transparent green background which features viruses under a microscope.

We have updated our Covid-19/Coronavirus Toolbox talk to include all of the recent guidance. We have also changed the format to aid you in easy printing where needed!

Covid-19 Toolbox Talk Update

'Coronavirus Update' in a blue font alongside two blue megaphone illustrations against a slightly transparent green background which features viruses under a microscope.

We have updated our Covid-19/Coronavirus Toolbox talk to include all of the recent guidance. We have also changed the format to aid you in easy printing where needed! The above can also be used in conjunction with our Coronvirus posters=:

Coronavirus Toolbox Talk & Poster

A virus under a microscope all in green.

Coronavirus & Virus Transmission – TOOLBOX TALK General Hygiene Germs from coughs and sneezes can live on hands and surfaces for 24 hours. They are responsible for spreading illnesses. Therefore, it is extremely important to upkeep hygiene and cleanliness practices to ensure the prevention of the spread of viruses. This is especially true for construction sites where […]

Week Commencing 20/01/2020 – In The News

New IOSH Leading Safely Open Course We are excited to reveal the date of our next IOSH ‘Leading Safely’ open course will be Thursday 26th March 2020! Leading Safely is designed to empower employers in making safe and sustainable business decisions. It is recognised by BuildUK as suitable safety training for anyone in Senior Management […]

Roles & Responsibilities

Scrabble tiles spread across a wooden surface, with three put together to create the word 'Law'

For Employers Employers and managers must ensure they are competent, meaning they have the appropriate skills and training, and thorough in managing Health and Safety issues in the workplace, as detailed under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. It can be useful for employers to have a benchmark in how they should be […]

Week Commencing 06/01/2020 – In The News

Cogs in black and white.

New Research Blog On Our Website! This year, we have chosen our January Hazard of the Month to be Roles & Responsibilities. With this hazard, we will be focusing on the duties of both employees and employers in making sure their work adheres to Health and Safety regulations and what can happen if these aren’t followed. For employees, these […]

Tackling Trespassing

A rusted door locked with a padlock.

The Story of Father Christmas’ First Trespassing St. Nicholas was a Bishop who lived in the fourth century in a place called Myra in Asia Minor (now called Turkey). He was a very wealthy man after inheriting his parents’ wealth after they died. He had a reputation for helping the poor and giving secret gifts […]

Week commencing 1st July – In the News

Construction workers working at height on scaffolds.

WA Management unveils new ‘Hazard of the Month’ This week, WA Management unveiled its latest ‘Hazard of the Month’ for July: Dust. Each month, we take a scrutinising look at overlooked, misunderstood or topical areas of the Health and Safety sector. Through research blogs and targeted posts, the Hazard of the Month looks to illuminate […]

Week commencing 1st April 2019 – In the News

Pipes on a wall

WA Management unveils its latest ‘Hazard of the Month’   Despite being revealed on April 1st, it was certainly no joke that WA Management unveiled its latest ‘Hazard of the Month’. For April, the hazard is Manual Handling – an intrinsically important element of safe work, often neglected because of its commonality. As always, the […]

Week commencing 25th February – In the News

A vase of flowers, a bucket of champagne and glasses, and a plate of food on a table.

Forklift Safety – How to keep pedestrians safe On Monday, we highlighted an extremely informative article from SHPOnline about the challenges facing companies using forklift trucks around pedestrians. Indeed, a recent analysis of RIDDOR reports stated that 3 quarters of forklift truck incidents which involved ‘impact with a third person’ were due to unrelated pedestrians. […]