Week Commencing 15/05/2023 – In The News

HSE targets construction workers’ lung health with nationwide inspection campaign Failure to prevent life-threatening diseases caused by dust at work is unacceptable, says the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), as it gears up for a summer targeting construction sites across Great Britain. Supported by HSE’s Dust Kills campaign, which provides free advice to businesses and workers on […]

Week Commencing 06/02/2023 – In The News

New lifesaving defibrillators fitted in more than 200 high street stores New lifesaving defibrillators have been fitted in more than 200 high street stores across the UK and staff are being trained in how to use them. The equipment is being fitted in all O2’s owned stores in the UK as part of a partnership […]

Week Commencing 20/06/2022 – In The News

Gatwick: Passenger with restricted mobility dies after leaving flight A passenger with restricted mobility has died at Gatwick Airport after leaving an aircraft. Gatwick said staff were helping to disembark three passengers with restricted mobility at the time, including the man’s partner. He decided to leave the EasyJet plane rather than wait for staff to […]

Why is Working at Height ‘The Most Dangerous Construction Activity’?

A shot from below of skyscrapers disappearing into fog.

It’s safe to say that most people are aware that if you fall from a building, the likelihood is that you’re going to hurt yourself. So why is it that in the workplace the accident statistics for falling from height are still so high? In 2020 and 2021 falls from height continue to be the […]

Safety Spotlight – Working at Height and Risk Assessment

For the month of August, we are putting in the spotlight two key areas relating to our Hazard of the Month, Working at Height. These key areas are Working at Height and Risk Assessments. Working at Height Everyone knows that working at height is a hazard. Common knowledge, however, often breeds complacency and it is clear […]

Week Commencing 09/08/2021 – In The News

Dead trees in a desert

IPCC Report Casts Somber Outlook on Global Warming A report released this week by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has said that human activity is changing the climate in unprecedented and sometimes irreversible ways. The landmark study warns of increasingly extreme heatwaves, droughts and flooding, and temperature limits agreed under the Paris […]

Week Commencing 02/08/2021 – In The News

Working at Height Safety Failings Lead to Costly Fine A Worcester-based construction company has been fined for failing to comply with work at height regulations after a worker fell from a garage roof. On 4 February 2020, the worker had accessed the roof using a ladder and was working on his knees with his side […]

Week Commencing 12/07/2021 – In The News

A person crossing the street by a zebra crossing.

Gang Behind Huge Cyber-Attack Demands $70m in Bitcoin Cyber attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, as shown by a massive attack led by a gang last week which affected 200 firms. The REvil group claims its malware, which initially targeted US IT firm Kaseya, has hit one million “systems”. This number has not been verified and […]

Week Commencing 14/06/2021 – In The News

A man completing work in a factory with protective gloves on.

Plastics Manufacturer Fined After Worker was Asphyxiated Printed plastics manufacturer Alfaplas Limited has been fined after a worker became unconscious as a result of asphyxiation when his tabard was entangled in the rotating spindle of a print machine. On 29 January 2019, an employee who was a supervisor at the company attempted to realign a […]

Week Commencing 10/05/2021 – In The News

A drone flying in the air above.

Royal Mail To Trial Drones In Isles of Scilly The Royal Mail is to trial the use of drones to deliver health and safety equipment, COVID-19 testing kits and other items to the Isles of Scilly from mainland UK. It will be the first time an out-of-sight autonomous scheduled drone flight has been used between the UK mainland and an […]