Tag: Emergency First Aid at Work

Updates to First aid at work: Guidance on regulations (L74)

This blog breaks down the changes made in the most recent update to first aid at work guidance. These updates do not change what is required to comply with the law. Mental Health The updates to the guidance emphasise employers’ responsibilities to take account of employees’ mental health when conducting their first aid needs assessment. […]

First Aid: First Aid Kits and Additional Content

It’s that time of year again, when children of all ages start writing their lists ready for the big day. In years gone by, this used to be in the form of circling the items in an Argos catalogue, for which I suppose the modern equivalent is sending links from Amazon (other shopping sites are […]

First Aid: Heart Attacks

What is a Heart Attack? A heart attack is a serious medical emergency in which the supply of the blood to the heart is suddenly blocked. This lack of blood may seriously damage the heart muscle and can be life threatening. Over time fat, cholesterol and other substances build up and form a plaque in […]

First Aid: Anaphylaxis

Epinepherine Auto-Injectors with Teal Background

What is Anaphylaxis? Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction, it can occur when someone is exposed to something they are allergic to (known as an allergen). Reactions normally begin within minutes and progress rapidly, but they can be delayed by up to 2-3 hours. Anaphylaxis is potentially life-threatening and always requires an emergency medical response. […]

First Aid: Hypovolaemic Shock

Cropped shot of young female doctor checking her patient pulse whith her hand in clinic room

The Effects of Bleeding In its most simple terms, air goes in and out, blood goes round and round – anything else is bad! We’ve already looked at what to do if someone has stopped breathing but what about someone who is bleeding? All bleeding will stop. Either through an intervention on our part or […]

Week Commencing 10/05/2021 – In The News

A drone flying in the air above.

Royal Mail To Trial Drones In Isles of Scilly The Royal Mail is to trial the use of drones to deliver health and safety equipment, COVID-19 testing kits and other items to the Isles of Scilly from mainland UK. It will be the first time an out-of-sight autonomous scheduled drone flight has been used between the UK mainland and an […]

Week Commencing 26/04/2021 – In The News

Factories emitting large amounts of smoke.

Major Surge in CO2 Emissions Expected As World Rebounds From Pandemic In last week’s news blog we reported that the UK government has set radical new climate change targets and recent data shows it is needed more than ever. According to The International Energy Agency (IEA), a surge of carbon emissions is predicted to occur […]

First Aid: What To Do When Someone is Choking

A red first aid bag and stethescope against a white background.

We’ve all most probably watched Mrs Doubtfire, and remember the scene where the children, their mother and Pierce Brosnan are sat down for dinner in a restaurant. Pierce’s character swallows a king prawn and begins to choke before being saved by the main character, but how true to real life could this be? What is […]

Week Commencing 05/04/2021 – In The News

A wind turbine in a field surrounded by mountains.

Construction Firm & Director Sentenced After Worker Falls From Height A construction firm and its director have been fined after a self-employed labourer fell almost four meters through a fragile skylight on 22nd February 2019. He suffered head and facial injuries and was knocked unconscious. He spent nearly two weeks in hospital. An investigation by the HSE found that the work had not […]

Week Commencing 01/03/2021 – In The News


Metal Supplier Fined After Employee Suffers Multiple Fractures A metal supplier has been fined after an employee suffered multiple fractures to the hand and wrist when he was polishing a metal bar with a manual metalworking lathe. On 27 January 2019, an employee working for Timet UK Limited was using a manual metalworking lathe to […]