Week Commencing 19/09/2022 – In The News

Jacobs’ plan for the World’s Biggest Mental Health Check-in On 10 October 2022, to coincide with World Mental Health Day, Jacobs is inviting all organisations and industries to come together and join them in touching one million lives. The aim is to create the ‘World’s Biggest Mental Health Check-in’. SHP hears more from Jacobs about […]

Hand Arm Vibration Toolbox Talk

This blog can be delivered to your staff as a Toolbox Talk. If you require a specific Toolbox Talk for your workplace, please feel free to get in touch. Reason: Workers need to be protected against excessive exposure to hand-arm vibration. Prolonged exposure to hand-arm vibration can cause a range of symptoms, known as hand-arm vibration […]

Week Commencing 08/03/2021 – In The News

The inside of a factory

International Women’s Day – 8th March On Monday 8th March, it was International Woman’s Day (IWD), a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. It has been celebrated since the early 1900s, a time of great change and […]

Week Commencing 14/12/2020 – In The News

New York City

68% of England’s Population To Live Under Tier 3 Restrictions Over Christmas A review of the coronavirus restrictions in England has meant that a total of 38 million people will be living under Tier 3 restrictions from Saturday – 68% of England’s population. Almost all Tier 3 areas will remain at their current level of […]

Week Commencing 09/09/2020 – In The News

A wildfire in the Arctic.

Social Gatherings Above Six To Be Banned In England Social gatherings of more than six people will be illegal in England from Monday 14th September – with some exemptions – amid a steep rise in coronavirus cases. The law change will ban larger groups meeting anywhere socially indoors or outdoors, the government said. But it […]

Week Commencing 18/11/2019 – In The News

Blocks of high-rise flats.

New December Hazard of the Month WA Management are excited to announce our last Hazard of the Month for 2019, Trespassing! Whilst there is one jolly trespasser we enjoy in December in order to get presents, unauthorised visitors on building sites can be dangerous. The law says you must conduct your business without putting members of the public at risk. This includes the public and other workers who […]

Vibration, the Law and Trigger Time

White patches of skin on a person's hand due to Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome

Vibration, the Law and Trigger Time Vibration Exposure and the Law Regular use of vibrating equipment can lead to two forms of ill health, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS). Symptoms of these conditions include: ·        Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome: Tingling, numbness, pain and blanching (whitening) of the fingers and loss […]