DSE Trends: The Future of Ergonomics at Work

What might the future of Display Screen Equipment and ergonomics look like in the workplace? As technology evolves, the way that we integrate DSE into the workplace evolves with it – this blog explores how his may work in practice. The effect of hybrid and remote work on DSE Since the pandemic, we have seen […]

Top 10 Tips for Improving Workplace Safety Communication

Effective communication is essential for workplace safety. Clear and consistent messaging helps employees understand safety protocols, procedures, and potential hazards, significantly reducing the likelihood of accidents and injuries. By promoting open dialogue and sharing comprehensive information, organisations can empower their teams to actively contribute to creating and maintaining a safe and secure work environment. 1. […]

Top 10 Tips for Working from Home Securely

There are a number of challenges and risks to GDPR when some or all of your workforce works remotely. We’ve put together our top ten tips to help you handle these risks alongside your team. 1. Implement and follow WFH policies and procedures You should have a clear policy in place for staff who are […]

Safety Spotlight: Fraud Prevention & Phishing Awareness

As part of October’s Hazard of the Month, IT, we’re highlighting two key areas: Fraud Prevention & Phishing Awareness. Fraud Prevention Fraud costs UK businesses over £157 billion every year, and with digitalisation ever increasing in the workplace, there are always new fraud risks and techniques. Some current prevalent fraud risks to businesses include: Increased digitalisation […]

Week Commencing 26/02/2024 – In The News

The growth of lone working Lone working is growing – but so too are technology solutions aimed at protecting lone employees. At Alpha Inclusion and Communication – a social enterprise supporting people with autism and Asperger’s syndrome – staff typically see the people they manage directly at their homes. Often, the neurodivergent needs of people they […]

Week Commencing 29/01/2024 – In The News

Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity shines in 2023 The Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity continues to be a steadfast beacon of hope for those in need and in 2023, they saw 4438 people reaching out for support through its 24/7 Construction Industry Helpline, a 30% increase on the previous year. Its charitable spend also increased by 12% […]

Week Commencing 11/12/2023 – In The News

Cider manufacturer fined following grandad’s death Tommy Manns, from Dymock, Gloucestershire, was driving for H Weston and Sons Limited, the manufacturer of Henry Westons Cider, when he was killed by the end of a security barrier on 28 September 2020. H Weston and Sons Limited was fined £1.4 million on Thursday after the company was […]

Consultant Q&A Blog: Neil

We’re back again with another Consultant Q&A! This time we’re chatting to Managing Consultant Neil about his role, goals, and recent challenges – keep reading to learn more. What are you finding most interesting in your role currently? Working with new clients, as it increases my exposure to different industry and methods of working, as […]

Safety Spotlight – Display Screen Equipment and Lone Working

As part of September’s Hazard of the Month, Display Screen Equipment, we’re highlighting two key areas: Display Screen Equipment and Lone Working. Display Screen Equipment For any workers that use display screen equipment daily, continuously for an hour or longer, and as part of their regular role, employers must undertake a workstation assessment as per the […]

Sustainability at Work – The Importance of Net Zero Pledges

Sustainability is a hot topic across all industries at the moment, not least the construction industry, where PQQs and SSIPs are increasingly focused on environmental issues – and rightly so! The built environment accounts for 39% of annual carbon emissions worldwide, made up of both operational carbon, which is the ongoing carbon emissions from its […]