Week Commencing 10/08/2020 – In The News

A railroad track.

Train Derailment Near Stonehaven in Scotland Kills 3 On Wednesday 12th August, a train derailed near Stonehaven in Scotland, leaving 3 people dead. Scotland’s transport secretary has said extreme weather had an impact on the accident. Michael Matheson has said an investigation into the accident would establish what lessons could be learned. Driver Brett McCullough, conductor Donald […]

Staying Safe Over Summer

The sun shining brightly in the sky among clouds.

As temperatures soar this week in the UK, WA Management are focusing in this month’s research blog on how to keep safe over the summer, particularly when working in the heat, as well as reminding you of general workplace safety with the return to work amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. What is Heat Stress? In many […]

Week commencing 20/07/2020 – In The News

A syringe and vial being held in someone's hand.

Face Coverings Now Mandatory in Shops Face coverings are now compulsory for customers in shops in England.  Coverings are mandatory in enclosed public spaces such as supermarkets, indoor shopping centres, transport hubs, banks and takeaways. Police can hand out fines of up to £100 to those who do not comply. Guidance issued by the government on Thursday […]

Week Commencing 06/07/2020 – In The News

One Dead and Several Injured After Crane Collapse An 85-year-old woman has died and several others have been injured after a 20-metre crane collapsed on houses in East London. On Wednesday afternoon, the crane fell onto houses and a block of flats which were being built in London. The woman was found on the first floor of […]

Covid-19 Toolbox Talk Update

'Coronavirus Update' in a blue font alongside two blue megaphone illustrations against a slightly transparent green background which features viruses under a microscope.

We have updated our Covid-19/Coronavirus Toolbox talk to include all of the recent guidance. We have also changed the format to aid you in easy printing where needed!

Covid-19 Toolbox Talk Update

'Coronavirus Update' in a blue font alongside two blue megaphone illustrations against a slightly transparent green background which features viruses under a microscope.

We have updated our Covid-19/Coronavirus Toolbox talk to include all of the recent guidance. We have also changed the format to aid you in easy printing where needed! The above can also be used in conjunction with our Coronvirus posters=:

Finding Silver Linings

'Coronavirus Update' in a blue font alongside two blue megaphone illustrations against a slightly transparent green background which features viruses under a microscope.

It is sometime in November 2005, my 12-year-old self is trudging to the none-visible side-line of a saturated quagmire the grassroots FA call a football pitch. Its 6°C, the rain slashes sideways and we are losing 3-0 rooted firmly to the foot of the table. “Think positive son” – my dad encourages as I gulp […]

Coronavirus Toolbox Talk & Poster

A virus under a microscope all in green.

Coronavirus & Virus Transmission – TOOLBOX TALK General Hygiene Germs from coughs and sneezes can live on hands and surfaces for 24 hours. They are responsible for spreading illnesses. Therefore, it is extremely important to upkeep hygiene and cleanliness practices to ensure the prevention of the spread of viruses. This is especially true for construction sites where […]

Week Commencing 16/03/2020 – In The News

A virus under a microscope all in green.

Coronavirus Update & Resources This week, the strategy against the coronavirus pandemic was stepped up by the UK government. Working from home is advised to anyone who can and schools are to shut from today for an indefinite period of time, except for the children of key workers. You are also to stay at home […]

What To Expect From WA Management During the Covid-19 Pandemic

'Coronavirus Update' in a blue font alongside two blue megaphone illustrations against a slightly transparent green background which features viruses under a microscope.

As you know, the current guidance from the government has advised home working and social distancing where possible. We just want you to know WA Management continues to operate as normal and therefore still able to meet our customer’s requirements in terms of Health, Safety and Management System support. By doing this we will be […]