Tag: online course

Week Commencing 31/05/2021 – In The News

COVID-19 spelt out in small white tablets surrounded by microscopic viruses against a red background.

40% Chance That Temperature Limit Will be Met by 2025, According to Study It is increasingly likely that the lower of two temperature limits set by the Paris Agreement on climate change will be reached in one of the next five years. A major study by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) puts this probability at […]

Mental Health Matters: Dealing with Depression

A black and white photo of a man looking stressed and holding his head in his hands.

Feeling Depressed vs Having Depression Everyone has ups and downs. Sometimes you might feel a bit low, for lots of different reasons. People may say that they are feeling depressed when they are feeling down, but this does not always mean that they have depression. Depression is a long-lasting low mood disorder. It affects your ability to do […]

Nature and Mental Health

Every May, the Mental Health Foundation hosts Mental Health Awareness Week (10th-16th May 2021). It is an event intended to encourage the UK to consider and discuss mental health and how to look after their wellbeing. Each year the Mental Health Foundation chooses a theme to centre these vital conversations around. The theme for 2021 […]

Week Commencing 03/05/2021 – In The News

A worker driving a forklift with products on.

Collapse of Metro Overpass in Mexico City Kills 23 On Monday, a metro overpass collapsed in Mexico City as a train was travelling over it, killing at least 23 people, including children. The crash happened at around 22:00 local time in the South-East of the city. Two train carriages were seen hanging from the structure, […]

Mental Health Matters: Mythbusting Bipolar Disorder

A young women talking with a therapist whilst both are sat on a pink sofa facing towards each other.

Though it’s relatively uncommon, bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness that can affect anyone. Formerly known as manic-depressive illness or manic depression it is a mental illness that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels, and as with all mental ill health has some negative stigmas attached to it; some of the […]

First Aid: What To Do When Someone is Choking

A red first aid bag and stethescope against a white background.

We’ve all most probably watched Mrs Doubtfire, and remember the scene where the children, their mother and Pierce Brosnan are sat down for dinner in a restaurant. Pierce’s character swallows a king prawn and begins to choke before being saved by the main character, but how true to real life could this be? What is […]

Safety Spotlight – Asbestos Awareness and COSHH

Glass tubes containing different coloured chemicals.

For the month of April, we are putting in the spotlight two key areas relating to our Hazard of the Month, Asbestos. These key areas are Asbestos Awareness and Control of Hazardous Substances. Asbestos Awareness Despite an outright ban on the use of Asbestos being implemented in the UK in 1999, there is still a chance […]

Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Anxiety Written on Wooden Scrabble Letters

What Is Anxiety? Being anxious is a natural human response when we feel threatened, are under stress or dealing with changes, especially if they have a big impact on your life. Humans have evolved ways to help protect ourselves; when under threat our body produces adrenaline and cortisol which help us feel more alert so […]

Asbestos – Don’t Forget the Dangers

An old, derelict house.

Is Asbestos Really Still a Risk? Asbestos is still an ever-present danger but for many, they do not believe they will be affected by it and, therefore, do not take the necessary precautions when working in any industrial or residential building built or refurbished before the year 2000 (which is where Asbestos can be found).  […]

Week Commencing 29/03/2021 – In The News

A crane among scaffolding.

Secret Filming Exposes Contamination Risk at Covid Test Results Lab Evidence of potential contamination, discarded tests and pressure to hit targets has been revealed at one of the biggest UK Covid testing labs after secret filming by a BBC reporter working as a lab technician was released. The reporter filmed staff cutting corners and processing […]