Managing an employee returning to work after sick leave can be a daunting task – with so many variables and things to consider, it can be difficult to know the best course of action. To help make the process smoother, we’ve put together our top ten tips for managing a return to work. From when […]
Tag: occupational health
Heat Exhaustion – The Effects of Heat Stress and How to Treat Them
Heat stress, whether it be due to working during the summer months or in an environment that is hot year-round, can put employees at risk of heat exhaustion and, more seriously, heatstroke. HSE guidance leaflet INDG451 states that heat stress occurs when the body’s means of controlling its internal temperature starts to fail. Air temperature, […]
Week Commencing 31/05/2021 – In The News
40% Chance That Temperature Limit Will be Met by 2025, According to Study It is increasingly likely that the lower of two temperature limits set by the Paris Agreement on climate change will be reached in one of the next five years. A major study by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) puts this probability at […]
Asbestos – Don’t Forget the Dangers
Is Asbestos Really Still a Risk? Asbestos is still an ever-present danger but for many, they do not believe they will be affected by it and, therefore, do not take the necessary precautions when working in any industrial or residential building built or refurbished before the year 2000 (which is where Asbestos can be found). […]
Safety Spotlight – Hand Arm Vibration and Noise at Work
For the month of March, we are putting in the spotlight two key areas relating to our Hazard of the Month, Occupational Health. These key areas are Hand Arm Vibration and Noise at Work. Hand Arm Vibration Hand Arm Vibration can be a significant health risk wherever powered hand tools are used for significant lengths of […]
Occupational Health – A Hidden Issue?
Occupational Health can be a confusing and occasionally hidden issue or risk for management to consider within an organisation. There is a focus on the more prominent risks that employees face during day-to-day work activities be it simply working with hand tools, working at height or working in and around heavy machinery. The immediate, sometimes […]
Week Commencing 08/03/2021 – In The News
International Women’s Day – 8th March On Monday 8th March, it was International Woman’s Day (IWD), a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. It has been celebrated since the early 1900s, a time of great change and […]
Week Commencing 14/12/2020 – In The News
68% of England’s Population To Live Under Tier 3 Restrictions Over Christmas A review of the coronavirus restrictions in England has meant that a total of 38 million people will be living under Tier 3 restrictions from Saturday – 68% of England’s population. Almost all Tier 3 areas will remain at their current level of […]
Week Commencing 03/02/2020 – In The News
10% OFF Online Training Courses We are offering 10% off two spotlighted online training courses for this month only: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (RoSPA Accredited) and Lock Out, Tag Out! These Health and Safety E-Learning courses are designed to improve the occupational health and safety of employees in the workplace by reducing the risk of […]
Week Commencing 16/12/2019 – In The News
Merry Christmas From Everyone at WA Management! Our office will be closed from 25th December to the 2nd January; but if you are in urgent need your consultants will be contactable via mobile. But in the meantime, from everyone here in the office at WA Management, we wish you a very merry (and safe) Christmas […]