Week Commencing 24/10/2022 – In The News

Half-term call to keep children safe near farms Families who live on farms are being urged to keep their children safe this half-term. Schools across England and Wales break up this week for the October holidays meaning farming children who would usually be in the classroom will now be at home during the day. This […]

Where Do You Start with Climate Change?

A an outreached hand holding a miniature globe facing a mountain.

The Devastating Truth of Climate Change A 2018 study estimated that if global warming reached 2°C an extra 150 million people would die from air pollution alone compared to a 1.5°C world. [1] That’s equal to 25 Holocausts worth of deaths from just breathing the air around them. Current UN predictions set the projected state […]

Week Commencing 19/04/2021 – In The News

UK Sets Radical New Climate Change Commitments The Government has announced more radical climate change commitments which will see the UK aim to cut carbon emissions by 78% by 2035, bringing forward the current target by 15 years. Hitting the targets would require: More electric cars Low-carbon heating Renewable electricity For many, cutting down on […]

Week Commencing 05/04/2021 – In The News

A wind turbine in a field surrounded by mountains.

Construction Firm & Director Sentenced After Worker Falls From Height A construction firm and its director have been fined after a self-employed labourer fell almost four meters through a fragile skylight on 22nd February 2019. He suffered head and facial injuries and was knocked unconscious. He spent nearly two weeks in hospital. An investigation by the HSE found that the work had not […]

Week Commencing 06/07/2020 – In The News

One Dead and Several Injured After Crane Collapse An 85-year-old woman has died and several others have been injured after a 20-metre crane collapsed on houses in East London. On Wednesday afternoon, the crane fell onto houses and a block of flats which were being built in London. The woman was found on the first floor of […]

Week Commencing 16/03/2020 – In The News

A virus under a microscope all in green.

Coronavirus Update & Resources This week, the strategy against the coronavirus pandemic was stepped up by the UK government. Working from home is advised to anyone who can and schools are to shut from today for an indefinite period of time, except for the children of key workers. You are also to stay at home […]

January 2016 – In the News

A drone.

New Construction Guidance to Stop Workers Dying Each Week from Occupational Disease The construction industry has launched new guidance to encourage better management of occupational health risks. HSE is urging the industry to put an end to the hundreds of construction workers that die of occupational diseases every month. Inspectors issued more than 200 health […]