Tag: Construction

The Hidden Dangers of Lone Working

A person standing on top of a hill looking out and a laptop with headphones in, a phone, and a mug and saucer on a wooden table.

WA Management provides professional, adaptable and appropriate solutions for your Health and Safety needs. Each week, our research blog takes a detailed look at particularly topical areas of the sector, or risks that are repeatedly overlooked. The focus for this week ties directly into our ‘Hazard of the Month’ as we cast light on the […]

Week commencing 1st October – In the News

The exterior of a farm.

A company has been severely fined after ‘insufficient’ workplace transport controls led to collision An HSE investigation uncovered how an unnamed company was ordered to pay £60,000 in fines after failing to adequate control measures. Although no workers were injured in the incident, HSE inspector Medani Close said that the company had not implemented even […]

Week commencing 25th June 2018 – In the News

A field with the sun-setting in the background.

TUC issues Health and Safety advice for scorching summer temperatures As workers across the nation enjoy a rare and pleasant episode of gorgeous sunny weather, the Trade Union Congress (TUC) offers advice on what employers can do to protect their workforce. Here at WA Management, we echo the advice of drinking lots of fluids, wearing […]

Creating A Culture Of Better Health In Construction

Workers climbing up scaffolding.

The Most Dangerous Job In The UK If asked to name a dangerous way of earning a living, most people would probably opt for the construction industry.  This would be borne out by figures published by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for workplace fatal injury rates for 2015/16, which show that the 43 deaths […]

Unannounced HSE Inspections Beginning 3rd October 2016

A man looking at a building site holding a hard hat and a rolled-up piece of paper.

HSE construction inspectors will be carrying out unannounced visits to sites where refurbishment projects or repair works are underway. This year the Initiative is being undertaken as a series of two week inspections across the country, beginning 3 October 2016 ending 4 November 2016. During this period inspectors will ensure high-risk activities, particularly those affecting […]

Would you Put your Phone in a Cement Mixer?

Phones on top of soil.

British phone retailer Tuffphones has unveiled a new range of hard-wearing handsets aimed at construction workers and outdoors enthusiasts. It’s the latest addition to a range of extra-durable Android devices in the growing market for rugged phones. The BBC took them to a building site to try them out. Construction giants De Walt and Cat […]

Builders Launch Mental Health in Construction Training

Words related to mental health in a shape of a brain against a white background.

Surveys suggest that more than 80% of workers in the construction industry suffer from some degree of work-related stress. This can include anxiety or depression and may lead to physical issues such as stomach ulcers and increased risk of heart attack. In an industry, where workers face demands such as heavy workloads, tight deadlines and […]