Category: Consultant’s Blog

Communication – Consultation with Employees

Communication is a key aspect of ensuring workplace health and safety – through the use of effective communication methods, workers can be kept informed of potential risks and the preventive and protective measures necessary to control these risks. There are many different ways to communicate health and safety information to your employees, depending of factors […]

The Impact of Fraud on Health & Safety

Fraud is not typically a topic that comes up regularly when you consider Health & Safety risks to your business. It is a term that is more associated with corporate backhanders, corruption, identity theft, money laundering and more recently internet scams. These are some examples of criminal activities that fit the laws interpretation of fraudulent […]

Winter Driving: Common Hazards

As November gets underway and winter settles in for the long haul, driving becomes a little more dangerous on our roads. Alongside the normal hazards any driver has come to expect, the weather can add some unique challenges. These hazards are sometimes easily forgotten, especially as the last winter didn’t involve much travel for most […]

World Quality Week – The Importance of Leadership

This week is World Quality Week! This campaign hosted by Chartered Quality Institute celebrates the quality management profession and aims to raise more awareness about the role quality plays in organisational growth and prosperity. So we decided to get our Managing Consultant William to give us his thoughts…. Raising awareness of quality in the workplace […]

How Serious Are Manual Handling Injuries In The Workplace?

Everyone knows someone with a bad back. Whether it’s a colleague who was showing off and trying to pick up more weight than they were capable of, or an elderly relative twisting the wrong way to pick a sock up off the floor, manual handling injuries can happen anywhere and to anyone – no matter […]

The Importance of Fire Doors

Close up of blue 'fire door keep shut' sign with white writing

It should go without saying that fire doors are paramount in fire safety and prevention – they’re an essential tool in preventing the spread of a fire throughout buildings, and can mean life or death for those inside. However unfortunately, they are not always correctly maintained or are of sub-standard quality, leading to an increased […]

Heat Exhaustion – The Effects of Heat Stress and How to Treat Them

Thermometer showing 40 degrees Celsius

Heat stress, whether it be due to working during the summer months or in an environment that is hot year-round, can put employees at risk of heat exhaustion and, more seriously, heatstroke.  HSE guidance leaflet INDG451 states that heat stress occurs when the body’s means of controlling its internal temperature starts to fail. Air temperature, […]

Why is Working at Height ‘The Most Dangerous Construction Activity’?

A shot from below of skyscrapers disappearing into fog.

It’s safe to say that most people are aware that if you fall from a building, the likelihood is that you’re going to hurt yourself. So why is it that in the workplace the accident statistics for falling from height are still so high? In 2020 and 2021 falls from height continue to be the […]

Where Do You Start with Climate Change?

A an outreached hand holding a miniature globe facing a mountain.

The Devastating Truth of Climate Change A 2018 study estimated that if global warming reached 2°C an extra 150 million people would die from air pollution alone compared to a 1.5°C world. [1] That’s equal to 25 Holocausts worth of deaths from just breathing the air around them. Current UN predictions set the projected state […]

The Controversial Past of Asbestos

‘A lethal substance which can cause crippling illness and bring upon fatal respiratory issues’… sound familiar? While I may not be referencing the Coronavirus, which has swept the globe with devastating effects in the last year, a substance that has been in existence for a much longer period of time, Asbestos, fits the former description […]