Week commencing 25th June 2018 – In the News

A field with the sun-setting in the background.

TUC issues Health and Safety advice for scorching summer temperatures As workers across the nation enjoy a rare and pleasant episode of gorgeous sunny weather, the Trade Union Congress (TUC) offers advice on what employers can do to protect their workforce. Here at WA Management, we echo the advice of drinking lots of fluids, wearing […]

Pokémon Go: A Health and Safety Concern?

Pokemon Go logo

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few weeks, you’ll probably have heard of Pokémon Go – a global phenomenon that, for those of us who grew up swapping cards in the school playground, makes it feel like we’ve made a swift and unwelcome return to the 90s. With one small change: […]

Changes for 2015

The next 12 months will be a busy one for WA Management as changes are a foot across the board. The largest changes we expect are the revisions to the ISO 9001 standard and the CDM (Construction Design and Management) Regulations. Both are expected to be significant and will mean a large percentage of our […]

First Blog Post!

Hi I am Will and welcome to my blog. I will be providing regular updates on anything to do with safety, quality and environmental management and putting my opinions to it!   The first topic I have chosen is Fire safety. As you may have heard the Fire fighters have one again voted to strike, […]