Category: Toolbox Talk

Respiratory Protection Toolbox Talk

This blog can be delivered to your staff as a Toolbox Talk. If you require a specific Toolbox Talk for your workplace, please feel free to get in touch. Reason: Inhalation of harmful dusts and fumes causes health and respiratory problems that can lead to long-term suffering. Outline: This talk covers matters that require consideration […]

Noise at Work Toolbox Talk

This blog can be delivered to your staff as a Toolbox Talk. If you require a specific Toolbox Talk for your workplace, please feel free to get in touch. Reason: Noise-induced hearing loss is a common occupational health hazard. There is no satisfactory treatment for noise-induced hearing loss. When you’re deaf, you stay deaf. Outline: […]

Legal Duties Toolbox Talk

This blog can be delivered to your staff as a Toolbox Talk. If you require a specific Toolbox Talk for your workplace, please feel free to get in touch. Reason: You should be aware of your legal duties. You cannot comply with the law if you are not aware of what it says. Outline: This […]

Risk Assessments and Method Statements Toolbox Talk

This blog can be delivered to your staff as a Toolbox Talk. If you require a specific Toolbox Talk for your workplace, please feel free to get in touch. Reason: Work must be planned and carried out in a safe manner. The construction industry continues to have an unacceptable accident record. Outline: This talk covers what […]

Young People on Site Toolbox Talk

This blog can be delivered to your staff as a Toolbox Talk. If you require a specific Toolbox Talk for your workplace, please feel free to get in touch. Reason: Construction sites are hazardous places, even for competent and experienced adults who should be aware of the dangers. Young people, with their lack of safety awareness, […]

Fire Toolbox Talk

This blog can be delivered to your staff as a Toolbox Talk. If you require a specific Toolbox Talk for your workplace, please feel free to get in touch. Reason: Fire kills on average 260 people in Britain every year and injures thousands more. Knowing how to prevent a fire can save lives. Outline: This talk […]

Hand Arm Vibration Toolbox Talk

This blog can be delivered to your staff as a Toolbox Talk. If you require a specific Toolbox Talk for your workplace, please feel free to get in touch. Reason: Workers need to be protected against excessive exposure to hand-arm vibration. Prolonged exposure to hand-arm vibration can cause a range of symptoms, known as hand-arm vibration […]

Stress Toolbox Talk

This blog can be delivered to your staff as a Toolbox Talk. If you require a specific Toolbox Talk for your workplace, please feel free to get in touch. Objectives of Talk: To increase awareness of stress in the workplace; to describe the dangers of keeping issues bottled up and continuing work in an unfocused mind-set […]

Dust Toolbox Talk

This blog can be delivered to your staff as a Toolbox Talk. If you require a specific Toolbox Talk for your workplace, please feel free to get in touch. Objective: To provide you with an awareness of the dangers of dust exposure and a reminder of our procedures and safe practices when drilling, cutting and generally […]

Changes to the Highway Code Toolbox Talk

This blog can be delivered to your staff as a Toolbox Talk. If you require a specific Toolbox Talk for your workplace, please feel free to get in touch. Objective: To outline the changes to the Highway Code that came into effect on 29th January 2022. Target: All operatives on site. Awareness of the Highway Code […]