Category: Mental Health Matters

Week Commencing 01/05/2023 – In The News

Report gets ‘Under the Surface of Health and Safety’ RS has released the ‘Under the Surface of Health and Safety’ report, based on findings from a survey that aimed to explore challenges and priorities for health and safety professionals in the current climate. The survey was conducted among more than 700 respondents working in health […]

Mental Health Matters: Loneliness

With the increase in social media use, you can be excused for thinking that people have no need to be lonely; contact is but a click away. It may surprise you therefore to know that during a study by Primack, Shensa, Sidani and Miller in 2017 in the USA young adults with high social media […]

Mental Health Matters: Physical Exercise and Mental Health

When we revisited the Power of Small and the importance of taking the time to talk last month, you may remember that one of the suggestions was to walk and talk. In this blog we’re expanding on the theme of walking and talking by looking at the effects that physical activity can have on mental […]

Mental Health Matters: Revisiting The Power Of Small

Last year, we published a blog about ‘The Power of Small’ for Time To Talk Day, discussing how a small conversation about mental health has the power to make a big difference. By looking out for each other, reaching out, and creating a dialogue around mental health, you could help your loved ones if they […]

Mental Health Matters: Support Services

Seeking Mental Health Support Seeking help isn’t always easy, especially for mental health problems. Unfortunately, the stigma around disclosing you are unwell still remains despite the many campaigns and open conversations that are happening every day across the country. It can also seem complicated, and it may feel like people aren’t listening to you, or […]

Mental Health Matters: Psychosis

What does the term ‘Psycho‘ mean to you? Does it conjure up images of a person being dangerously violent, maybe attacking people out of nowhere or simply exploding into a fit of rage for no apparent reason? It is unfortunate that the stigma around Psychosis is such that a majority of people will think this […]

Mental Health Matters: Schizophrenia

What Is Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a long-term mental health condition, which can cause a range of different psychological symptoms, including reality being interpreted abnormally. In some cases, the condition can be disabling. People with Schizophrenia require lifelong treatment, however early diagnosis may help get symptoms under control before serious complications develop. Schizophrenia involves a range […]

Week Commencing 06/09/2021 – In The News

Two sets of hands holding a heart (cartoon shape) with a white cross on it

“Don’t let your guard down”, IOSH urges businesses The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) today calls on businesses to “not let their guard down” to ensure COVID-19 doesn’t spread rapidly through workplaces. With children returning to school in much of England this week and people attending sports and music events in their thousands […]

Mental Health Matters: Self-Harm

Letter dice spelling out 'self harm'

Content warning: please note this article discusses sensitive topics including self-harm, suicide and mentions of eating disorders and substance abuse.    Self-harm can be difficult to talk about and hard for others to understand as there are many misconceptions about the behaviour, and just as many preconceived ideas and stereotypes as well. Before you continue […]

Mental Health Matters: Eating Disorders

Scrabble tiles spelling out words related to Eating Disorders.

What are Eating Disorders? Eating disorders are complex mental illnesses that anyone can have regardless of their background, age, gender or ethnicity. It is estimated by Beat that around 1.25 million people have an eating disorder in the UK with 25% of these people being men. But, as with all mental health, stigmas mean many […]