Category: Consultant’s Blog

DSE Trends: The Future of Ergonomics at Work

What might the future of Display Screen Equipment and ergonomics look like in the workplace? As technology evolves, the way that we integrate DSE into the workplace evolves with it – this blog explores how his may work in practice. The effect of hybrid and remote work on DSE Since the pandemic, we have seen […]

How to Protect Your Business from Legionella

Business owners, or those in control of premises (including landlords), must protect against Legionella risks. This includes assessing hazards, controlling exposure, and maintaining records. Regular monitoring, proper maintenance, and compliance with legal duties are essential to ensure safety and prevent outbreaks. Why is Legionella dangerous? Legionella is a genus of pathogenic gram-negative bacteria that includes […]

Building Healthy Habits at Work

We all know that we should be living a balanced healthy lifestyle – however, this can be difficult when you spend half of your waking hours at the workplace on a typical working day. Unfortunately, you body does not distinguish between being at work or home and, as such, its important that we extend healthy […]

How Line Managers Can Keep Lone Workers Safe

Line managers play a key role in ensuring the safety of the lone workers they are responsible for. They must make sure that that policies, procedures, and risk assessments are properly implemented and understood, and should be there to support their workers. Are line managers responsible for writing lone working policies? Lone working policies must […]

Protecting Your Business from Phishing Attacks

Phishing is a form of online fraud where scammers deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card details, by pretending to be a reliable source. This can occur through emails, social media, or fraudulent websites. Businesses of all types and sizes are targets for phishing attacks, so it is essential you […]

GDPR: Processing Personal Data

GDPR is a set of regulations that businesses must adhere to in regards to the collection and storage of employee and customer data – breaching these rules could land companies with a serious fine. No matter what size your business is, if you handle any personal data (and you most likely do!), GDPR is relevant […]

Prevent: Protecting against radicalisation

Prevent supports vulnerable individuals who may be at risk of recruitment by terrorist or extremist groups, both domestically and internationally. It is one of the four components of the Government’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy, known as CONTEST, which consists of Prepare, Protect, Pursue, and Prevent. What is the Prevent strategy for terrorism? Prevent is ultimately about addressing […]

Preventing Fraud in the Workplace

Fraud is a risk in any business – whether you are a large corporation or a small start-up, potential fraud poses significant risks to your company. Keep reading to learn what you can do to minimise these risks as much as possible. What are the consequences of workplace fraud? Consequences for workplace fraud can vary […]

PAT Testing – What You Need to Know

PAT testing is essential in ensuring the continued safety of the electrical appliances in your workplace. While PAT testing is not technically a legal requirement, making sure your electrical appliances are safe is – keep reading to learn more. What is PAT testing? Portable Appliance Testing or PAT testing is a routine combined inspection and […]

Fire Regulations in a Post-Grenfell World

Fire safety regulations have always been essential to health and safety both in the workplace and in the home. However, following the 2017 Grenfell Tower fire, a number of new rules have been introduced and regulations updated, building on the responsibilities of duty holders. What legislative changes have been made since Grenfell? When it comes […]