Week Commencing 02/05/2022 – In The News

Employers urged to back Union safety campaign Unite wants the hundreds of councils and authorities across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to follow East Dunbartonshire council’s lead in finding innovative ways to support the late night workforce. East Dunbartonshire has made it a requirement of licensing that all hospitality businesses in the area provide […]

Communication – Consultation with Employees

Communication is a key aspect of ensuring workplace health and safety – through the use of effective communication methods, workers can be kept informed of potential risks and the preventive and protective measures necessary to control these risks. There are many different ways to communicate health and safety information to your employees, depending of factors […]

Week commencing 29th July – In the News

A tall block of scaffolding.

WA Management unveil new ‘Hazard of the Month’ Each month, WA Management allocate a key risk, hazard or overlooked topic to be their ‘Hazard of the Month’. This week, we unveiled that Fire and Fire Safety would take the coveted spot for August. This means that tailored research blogs and news updates around the hazard […]

Week commencing 23rd July – In the News

Factory workers welding.

Fatal Injuries in Farming, Forestry and fishing figures released by the HSE This week, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) revealed figures for workplace fatalities in the agricultural, farming and fishing sectors. The report highlighted that 33 people died in 2017/2018, with greatest number of injuries involving cattle. This represented at worker fatality rate of […]