Safety Spotlight – Mental Health Awareness and Stress Awareness

A human head with blue and pink cogs inside against a clock.

For the month of May, we are putting in the spotlight two key areas relating to our Hazard of the Month, Mental Health. These key areas are Mental Health Awareness and Stress Awareness. Mental Health Awareness This month saw Mental Health Awareness Week take place on 10th-16th May. Run by the Mental Health Foundation, it is […]

Week Commencing 06/07/2020 – In The News

One Dead and Several Injured After Crane Collapse An 85-year-old woman has died and several others have been injured after a 20-metre crane collapsed on houses in East London. On Wednesday afternoon, the crane fell onto houses and a block of flats which were being built in London. The woman was found on the first floor of […]

Safety Spotlight: PPE & Lock Out, Tag Out

A pair of orange ear muffs hanging off a post.

For the month of February, we are putting in the spotlight two key areas relating to our Hazard of the Month, Unsuitable Equipment & PPE. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Personal Protective Equipment is protective clothing, helmets, goggles, or other garments or equipment designed to protect the wearer’s body from injury when undertaking works. It is essential PPE is […]

Week Commencing 02/12/2019 – In The News

A scientist wear face protection looking into a microscope.

10% Off Our Online Training Courses! December‘s, and the last of 2019‘s, Hazard of the Month has been announced to be ‘Trespassing’ in honour of the festive visitor that drops down the chimney every Christmas Eve! Whilst he is a welcome guest, unwanted visitors to sites can be put in danger if they come into […]