How to Protect Your Business from Legionella

Business owners, or those in control of premises (including landlords), must protect against Legionella risks. This includes assessing hazards, controlling exposure, and maintaining records. Regular monitoring, proper maintenance, and compliance with legal duties are essential to ensure safety and prevent outbreaks. Why is Legionella dangerous? Legionella is a genus of pathogenic gram-negative bacteria that includes […]

Health and Safety Culture: The Importance of a Code of Conduct

Behavioural management and workplace culture play a significant role in in the health and safety of a business. There are many ways in which a company can build a positive health and safety culture in the workplace, but a good start is something every business should have – a Code of Conduct. Why is a […]

Safety Spotlight – Display Screen Equipment and Lone Working

As part of September’s Hazard of the Month, Display Screen Equipment, we’re highlighting two key areas: Display Screen Equipment and Lone Working. Display Screen Equipment For any workers that use display screen equipment daily, continuously for an hour or longer, and as part of their regular role, employers must undertake a workstation assessment as per the […]

Safety Spotlight: PPE & Lock Out Tag Out

As part of March’s Hazard of the Month, PPE, we’re highlighting two key areas: PPE and Lock Out Tag Out. PPE By law, employers have a duty to protect their workers from health and safety risks – this includes the provision of any PPE required free of charge if a risk assessment finds that it is necessary. PPE […]

Risk Assessments and Method Statements Toolbox Talk

This blog can be delivered to your staff as a Toolbox Talk. If you require a specific Toolbox Talk for your workplace, please feel free to get in touch. Reason: Work must be planned and carried out in a safe manner. The construction industry continues to have an unacceptable accident record. Outline: This talk covers what […]

Top 10 Tips For Using Equipment Safely

Nearly all fatal injuries at work are connected to equipment in some way, whether due to misuse, faulty equipment, or inadequate assessment of risk. Therefore understanding how to follow regulations and stay safe when using any type of work equipment is essential. Read our top ten tips below for an overview of what you need […]

Safety Spotlight: Working at Height & Ladder Safety

As part of July’s Hazard of the Month, Working at Height, we’re highlighting two key areas: Working at Height and Ladder Safety. Working at Height Working at height is one of the biggest causes of fatalities and major injuries in the workplace, with 25% of all worker deaths in 2020/21 being caused by falls from […]

Safety Spotlight – Fire Safety, Fire Wardens and Slips, Trips & Falls

For the month of September, we are putting in the spotlight three key areas relating to our Hazard of the Month, Fire. These key areas are Fire Safety, Fire Wardens and Slips, Trips & Falls. Fire Safety Everyone, whether they’re an employer or employee, should have an understanding of fire safety behaviours and procedures. The majority […]

Heat Exhaustion – The Effects of Heat Stress and How to Treat Them

Thermometer showing 40 degrees Celsius

Heat stress, whether it be due to working during the summer months or in an environment that is hot year-round, can put employees at risk of heat exhaustion and, more seriously, heatstroke.  HSE guidance leaflet INDG451 states that heat stress occurs when the body’s means of controlling its internal temperature starts to fail. Air temperature, […]

Why is Working at Height ‘The Most Dangerous Construction Activity’?

A shot from below of skyscrapers disappearing into fog.

It’s safe to say that most people are aware that if you fall from a building, the likelihood is that you’re going to hurt yourself. So why is it that in the workplace the accident statistics for falling from height are still so high? In 2020 and 2021 falls from height continue to be the […]