Tag: Trespassing

Tackling Trespassing

A rusted door locked with a padlock.

The Story of Father Christmas’ First Trespassing St. Nicholas was a Bishop who lived in the fourth century in a place called Myra in Asia Minor (now called Turkey). He was a very wealthy man after inheriting his parents’ wealth after they died. He had a reputation for helping the poor and giving secret gifts […]

Week Commencing 02/12/2019 – In The News

A scientist wear face protection looking into a microscope.

10% Off Our Online Training Courses! December‘s, and the last of 2019‘s, Hazard of the Month has been announced to be ‘Trespassing’ in honour of the festive visitor that drops down the chimney every Christmas Eve! Whilst he is a welcome guest, unwanted visitors to sites can be put in danger if they come into […]

Week Commencing 18/11/2019 – In The News

Blocks of high-rise flats.

New December Hazard of the Month WA Management are excited to announce our last Hazard of the Month for 2019, Trespassing! Whilst there is one jolly trespasser we enjoy in December in order to get presents, unauthorised visitors on building sites can be dangerous. The law says you must conduct your business without putting members of the public at risk. This includes the public and other workers who […]