Tag: housekeeping

Top 10 Tips for Workplace Fire Safety

Businesses that fail to comply with fire safety regulations put the safety of their employees and premises at risk, and could face fines and a prisons sentence of up to two years. To help you along your fire risk management journey, here are WA Management’s top tips: 1. Carry out a fire risk assessment Risk […]

Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls at Work

Any workplace can carry the risk of slips, trips, and falls. Causing 40 percent of all reported major injuries per year, they are the most common cause of injury at work, and cost employers over £500m per year. Keep reading to learn how to prevent slips, trips, and falls in your workplace. What is the […]

Top 10 Tips for Good Workplace Housekeeping

Maintaining good housekeeping is essential for ensuring employee safety within an organisation. Effective housekeeping practices can help companies minimise workplace hazards and create a safe and secure environment for their employees. 1. Maintain a regular cleaning schedule Ensure that floors and surfaces are cleaned on a regular basis, along with carrying out immediate ad hoc […]

Top 10 Fire Safety Tips for the Workplace

The needs of every workplace when ensuring their fire safety needs are met are unique – however, there are some actions you can take in any workplace to improve the fire safety of your business and employees. Keep reading for our top tips! 1. Maintain Good Workplace Housekeeping Keeping a clean and uncluttered environment is […]

The Importance of Maintenance in the Workplace

Maintenance is a common word in the workplace, but can mean a variety of different things, especially in relation to Health & Safety. Typically, it is thought of as keeping an organisation’s operational plant, fixed or mobile, in working order through proactive or reactive means. This involves the servicing of those systems, usually via regular […]