Week Commencing 18/11/2019 – In The News

Blocks of high-rise flats.

New December Hazard of the Month WA Management are excited to announce our last Hazard of the Month for 2019, Trespassing! Whilst there is one jolly trespasser we enjoy in December in order to get presents, unauthorised visitors on building sites can be dangerous. The law says you must conduct your business without putting members of the public at risk. This includes the public and other workers who […]

Moving Plant & Machinery Safely

A worker driving a forklift with silver canisters on.

What is Plant? (Hint, it’s not a flower)  Plant is machinery that processes material by way of a mechanical action which: Cuts, drills, punches or grinds Presses forms, hammers, joins or moulds material Combines, mixes, sorts, packages, assembles, knits, or moulds material Plant also includes lifts, cranes, tractors, earth moving equipment, pressure equipment, hoists, powered mobile plant, plant that […]

Dust: The Danger Lurking In The Air

Dust being made visible in the air by a man hanging ceiling lights.

WA Management strives to provide a professional service for your health and safety needs, while also endeavouring to create a greater awareness towards risks and hazards in the workplace. In this blog, WA Management continues its monthly documentation of workplace hazards, seeking to shed light on important and topical health and safety issues. For this […]

Week commencing 25th June 2018 – In the News

A field with the sun-setting in the background.

TUC issues Health and Safety advice for scorching summer temperatures As workers across the nation enjoy a rare and pleasant episode of gorgeous sunny weather, the Trade Union Congress (TUC) offers advice on what employers can do to protect their workforce. Here at WA Management, we echo the advice of drinking lots of fluids, wearing […]

Creating A Culture Of Better Health In Construction

Workers climbing up scaffolding.

The Most Dangerous Job In The UK If asked to name a dangerous way of earning a living, most people would probably opt for the construction industry.  This would be borne out by figures published by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for workplace fatal injury rates for 2015/16, which show that the 43 deaths […]