Top 10 Tips for Effective Time Management

Effective time management in the workplace can lead to reduced stress and procrastination, and increased productivity and confidence – among many other benefits! Keep reading to learn out top time management tips. 1. Carry out a time audit Figure out what you spend your time on by carrying out a time audit. Assess how long […]

Consultant Q&A Blog: Elizabeth

We’re back again with another Consultant Q&A! This time we’re chatting to SHEQ Consultant Elizabeth about her role, goals, and recent challenges – keep reading to learn more. What are you finding most interesting in your role currently? The best thing about my role is that there’s always new bits and pieces to learn from all over […]

Plan/Do/Check/Act – The Cycle for Continuous Improvement

Consistently achieving and maintaining a high level of Health and Safety is rarely accomplished through quick fix and infrequent interventions, instead a sustained and systematic approach is recommended by the HSE. For this reason, the Plan, Do, Check, Act structure has been adopted into company culture by business all over the UK.  This initiative installs […]

Top 10 Tips for Effective Time Management

The main aim of effective time management is to allow you to achieve more in less time – however, that’s not the only benefit! Managing your time properly can also lead to reduced stress at work, less procrastination, improved work quality and more. It can seem daunting to change your work habits, so we’ve put […]