Category: In The News

WA Management blog posts relating to an overview of weekly news stories.

Week commencing 15th October – In the News

The inside of a factory

Top tips unveiled for preventing infection This week, to coincide with International Infection Prevention Week, the company Deb unveiled 5 simple, effective and proven ways to bring down infectious diseases. The approach blends training, research and positive reinforcement together to ensure that the approach works. We have created a handy graphic, but make sure you […]

Week commencing 8th October – In the News

A golf ball on grass.

SHP Online speaks to Thames Water on their Legislation newsletter This week, SHPOnline released a fantastic article shedding light on how successful Health and Safety initiatives needn’t be complicated or costly. For example, Thames Water’s Legislation and Legal Newsletter involves workers from across the entire company; simplifying jargon in the process. The article exemplifies how […]

Week commencing 1st October – In the News

The exterior of a farm.

A company has been severely fined after ‘insufficient’ workplace transport controls led to collision An HSE investigation uncovered how an unnamed company was ordered to pay £60,000 in fines after failing to adequate control measures. Although no workers were injured in the incident, HSE inspector Medani Close said that the company had not implemented even […]