Tag: Communication

Safety Critical Communications

Good communication, both in written and spoken form, is essential to ensuring and maintaining safety in the workplace. All employees should have access to the information necessary to negotiate workplace hazards safely. What are safety critical communications? Safety critical communications (SSC) are applicable to all industry sectors and can be very similar in topic, from […]

Top 10 Tips for Improving Safety Culture in The Workplace

Achieving a positive safety culture can significantly improve company risk management, leading to fewer accidents, increased productivity, and an improved work environment. Keep reading for WA Management’s top tips in improving the safety culture in your workplace. 1. Implement a comprehensive Health and Safety Policy A Health and Safety Policy is the foundation of a […]

Safety Spotlight: Code of Conduct and Communication Skills

As part of April’s Hazard of the Month, Behavioural Management, we’re highlighting two key areas: Code of Conduct and Communication Skills. Code of Conduct A code of conduct outlines what leaders expect in behaviour throughout the company, covering integrity, objectivity, confidentiality, professionalism, and competence. It fosters a positive work environment, guiding employees on how to interact […]

Week Commencing 30/10/2023 – In The News

Unsafe and potentially dangerous ladders are being sold online – experts have warned Experts have warned that unsafe and potentially dangerous ladders are being sold online after a study found 70% failed to meet minimum safety requirements. Serious concerns have been raised after research commissioned by the Ladder Association showed every sample tested from Amazon […]

Top 10 Tips for Effective Employee Training

Effective, consistent and meaningful training is key to getting the best out of your employees and giving them the tools to succeed in their role. Training is certainly an investment, both in time and resources, but the rewards to be gained from proper training have the potential to vastly exceed the costs. But how do […]

Safety Spotlight: Business Communication & Code of Conduct

As part of January’s Hazard of the Month, Training, we’re highlighting two key areas: Business Communication and Code of Conduct. Business Communication Proper business communication is essential for success in the workplace – whether you’re communicating with members of your organisation or external customers or companies, being able to communicate effectively and convey your thoughts and ideas clearly is […]

Week Commencing 26/09/2022 – In The News

Major working from home study reveals employee and employer divide A global study from Microsoft shows employers and employees disagree when it comes to productivity levels while working from home. The survey interviewed 20,000 staff across 11 countries. It revealed that 87% of workers felt working from home was just as efficient than being in […]

Top 10 Reasons to Conduct an Employee Questionnaire

An employee questionnaire is a set of questions a company poses to their employees in order to get their point of view and opinions surrounding their relationship with their job, their co-workers, and their organisation. Conducting such a questionnaire can, if done correctly, lead to numerous positives for any organisation. Keep reading to learn how […]

Mental Health Matters: Revisiting The Power Of Small

Last year, we published a blog about ‘The Power of Small’ for Time To Talk Day, discussing how a small conversation about mental health has the power to make a big difference. By looking out for each other, reaching out, and creating a dialogue around mental health, you could help your loved ones if they […]

Communication – Consultation with Employees

Communication is a key aspect of ensuring workplace health and safety – through the use of effective communication methods, workers can be kept informed of potential risks and the preventive and protective measures necessary to control these risks. There are many different ways to communicate health and safety information to your employees, depending of factors […]