Week Commencing 23/03/2020 – In The News

Coronavirus Update

A virus under a microscope all in green.As we are sure you are already aware, the government has now imposed stricter measures to combat the coronavirus pandemic in the UK. You may now only leave the home to:

  • exercise once a day
  • travel to and from work where “absolutely necessary”
  • shop for essential items
  • fulfil any medical or care needs.

The Prime Minister also announced a ban on public gatherings of more than two people and ordered the immediate closure of shops selling non-essential goods. 

WA Management continues to operate as normal amidst these challenging times and therefore are still able to meet our customers requirements in terms of Health, Safety and Management System support. If you need any more information or need any more support in dealing with the outbreak in your business, please let us know. We are here to help!

Online Training Offer

10% Off Pandemic Awareness, Home Working and Lone Working online courses with the code 'WorkFromHome'WA Management are currently running an offer on a selection of courses we believe will be particularly helpful for employers and employers during the coronavirus outbreak. We are offering a 10% off discount for the following three courses when the code ‘WorkFromHome’ is used at checkout; this discount will run until April 4th!

  • Pandemic Awareness Online Training Course – This course offers information that is designed to support and complement an organisation’s efforts to implement sensible control measures during a pandemic, such as the current Coronavirus outbreak.
  • Lone Working Online Training Course – This course details how to protect and safeguard lone workers; this categorisation includes those who are working at home.
  • Home Working Online Training Course – This course is designed to provide home workers with the appropriate information and training to meet health and safety requirements when working from home.

We would also recommend our DSE and Homeworker online self-risk assessments to ensure workers are set up safely at home and are not at risk of any health and safety hazards, including those from a poorly set-up workstation. You can purchase these by contacting us directly!

Air Pollution and CO2 Falls As Virus Spreads

A comparison of nitrogen dioxide levels over China in January 1-20 2020 compared to February 10-25 2020. The levels are considerably lower in February.Levels of air pollutants and warming gases over some cities and regions are showing significant drops as coronavirus impacts work and travel. Researchers in New York told the BBC their early results showed carbon monoxide mainly from cars had been reduced by nearly 50% compared with last year. Emissions of the planet-heating gas CO2 have also fallen sharply. Both China and Northern Italy have recorded significant falls in nitrogen dioxide, which is related to reduced car journeys and industrial activity. The gas is both a serious air pollutant and a powerful warming chemical. With global economic activity ramping down as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, it is hardly surprising that emissions of a variety of gases related to energy and transport would be reduced. But there are warnings levels could rise rapidly after the pandemic, especially if it goes on for a long time as any stimulus would more likely focus on promoting any economic growth regardless of the impact on the environment.

Read more on this from the BBC.


Farm Fined After Man Dies At Livestock Mart

A red farm in a field with a fence and trees around it.A Co. Tyrone firm has been fined £12,500 following the death of a man at a livestock mart in Clogher. Clogher Valley Livestock Producers pleaded guilty to one breach of health and safety legislation at Dungannon Court, following an incident where farmer Mr Harry McAnespie died after being struck by a gate at the livestock mart in June 2018. Mr McAnespie was struck by an inadequately maintained steel stock-proof gate when a young bull had attempted to jump over the gate, this incident resulted in Mr McAnespie receiving serious head injuries. The gate had a defective latch which meant the gate could not close properly. These types of gates are common in this mart and throughout the industry. HSENI Inspector Sean Keogh said: “Employers must ensure that all plant and machinery is properly maintained in an efficient state and in efficient working order to protect both their employees and members of the public.” Clogher Valley Livestock Producers was found guilty of breaching Article 5(1) of the Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order 1978 and fined £12,500.

Read more on the case from SHPOnline.

£600,000 Fine After Workers Suffered Chemical Burns

Glass tubes containing different coloured chemicals.A Telford yoghurt manufacturing company has been fined £600,000 fine after two employees suffered serious injuries following the release of an acidic cleaning solution. Telford Magistrates heard that, on 1 January 2016, one of the employees of T M Telford Dairy Ltd suffered serious burns from contact with 1% nitric acid cleaning solution that had a temperature of 65°C, when working on a faulty valve on a “cleaning in place” system on the company site in Donnington Wood. The valve blew off under pressure and the hot acidic cleaning fluid surged out, hitting the roof overhead and spraying on to the workers. While trying to escape from the acidic cleaning fluid, one of the engineers fell from a hooped ladder and sustained a head injury. The HSE found that the company failed to ensure the safety of its employees and that it had not formally trained the two engineers in lock-off and isolation procedures, use of permits to work and safe removal of valves. There was no assessment of the risks in place for the safe removal of valves. T M Telford Dairy Ltd of Donnington Wood, Telford pleaded guilty to breaching Section 2(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and was fined £600,000 and ordered to pay costs of £14,379.45. Speaking after the hearing, HSE Inspector Keeley Eves said: “Those in control of work have a responsibility to assess the risks and implement safe methods of working and to provide the necessary information, instruction and training to their workers in a safe system of working. “If a suitable safe system of work had been in place prior to the incident, the injuries sustained by the employees could have been prevented.”

Read more on the case from SHPOnline.