Safety Spotlight: Driving Safely Awareness & Mindfulness

As part of August’s Hazard of the MonthDriving, we’re highlighting two key areas: Driving Safely Awareness & Mindfulness.

Driving Safely

Driving for work, whether on site or on public roads, is one of the most dangerous tasks a worker can undertake. Employers must manage the health and safety risks to any workers who drive as part of their work activities, and take reasonably practicable action to mitigate the danger of injuries, ill health, and deaths – for both their employees and any others who may be affected by their work.

This is in addition to road traffic legislation, which places specific requirements on employers in respect of vehicle use and maintenance. This include ensuring:

  • good mechanical condition of vehicles
  • that drivers are competent and fit to drive their vehicles
  • that any passengers or loads carried on or in those vehicles are carried safely

From a business-focused point of view, there are many benefits to managing work-related road safety. If fewer road incidents occur, this would mean:

  • less days lost to injury
  • fewer repairs to vehicles
  • fewer missed orders
  • reduced running cost

Effective management and collaboration with employees, combined with a sensible and proportionate approach to the issues, will not only help to keep your workers safe, but also help to reduce stress and improve morale and operational efficiencies.

Give your workers the proper tools to be safe on the road with our Driving Safely E-Learning course – this course is suitable for individuals who drive within the UK as part of their job, those who regularly drive outside of work, or individuals who need a bit more confidence on the road. Get 10% off this course with the code ‘driving10’!


Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present in the moment – aware of our surroundings and what we are doing, but without being overly reactive or overwhelmed by this stimuli. It is ability that every person has, all that is needed is to learn how to access it.

Practicing mindfulness had been shown to improve mental health and wellbeing, helping with managing depression, anxiety and stress, while also improving performance and awareness.

The key to seeing the benefits from mindfulness is consistency. Whatever techniques you use (of which there are a variety), regular practice can help you to implement mindfulness into your day-to-day life.

Through our mindfulness online training, you can learn about:

  • The role of mindfulness in improving mental wellbeing and reduce stress
  • The nine attitudes of mindfulness and their benefits
  • Detailed techniques for mindfulness meditation and yoga
  • Informal mindfulness techniques that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine

With this knowledge along with the mental health and wellbeing benefits inherent to practicing mindfulness, honing this skill may help learners to stay calmer while driving.

NB: Please do not actively practice mindfulness techniques while driving – keep your attention on the road at all times.

Learn techniques to help you keep calm on the road with our Mindfulness Online Training. Get 10% off this course with the code ‘driving10’!

Driving Safely Awareness & Mindfulness training courses are essential tools in helping to improve safety while driving. Make sure you don’t miss out on our 10% off deal on these courses, available until the end of August. Simply enter the code ‘driving10’ at checkout to save!

Read more Safety Spotlight blogs here

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