Week Commencing 22/08/2022 – In The News

Takeaway failed to comply with improvement notices

Fried chickenThe director of Nelson based UK Fried Chicken Limited was in court for food safety and hygiene offences.

UK Fried Chicken (Nelson) Limited was charged with two offences under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 at Burnley Magistrates’ Court on Thursday 11 August.

The Manchester Road business failed to comply with improvement notices which required the gas and electric systems be checked.

Chaudhrey Amjad Mahmood, director, was charged in his personal capacity for the same two offences.

He was also charged as the food operator with a further five offences which failed the Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013.

Mr Mahmood failed to ensure that:

  • food hygiene and safety procedures were documented
  • food handlers were supervised
  • workers maintained personal cleanliness
  • workers wore suitable clothing
  • food handlers were trained

Read more on the HSM website.

78% of employers fail to target specific demographics with health and wellbeing support, according to research

Hr graphicLess than a quarter (22%) of employers target benefits to specific demographics in their workforce, dependent on their age, lifestyle and risk factors, according to new research from Towergate Health & Protection. This means that their health and wellbeing support may be under-valued, under-utilised, or ineffective in helping to keep employees healthy.

The survey of 500 HR decision makers found that the majority of employers (57%) offer the same benefits to all staff, and 18% of employers base their benefits type solely on the seniority of staff. However, nearly half of employers (49%) say they would like to target employee benefits to different demographics, but they find this too complicated.

By taking demographics and risk profiles of staff into consideration it is possible to make health and wellbeing support more targeted. For example, if employees are found to be at high risk of developing a certain health condition, like diabetes, then they could be provided with appropriate preventative benefits like nutrition advice, screening services and increased support to improve fitness.

Read more about the research on the SHP website.

Lidl to sell misshapen drought-affected vegetables

Carrots in soilThe supermarket Lidl plans to sell misshapen vegetables that are affected by England’s recent drought in an effort to support British farmers.

It will also encourage other supermarkets to follow suit in selling “stunted crops”.

The discounter says it is part of the company’s efforts to tackle food waste.

British farmers, who supply most of Lidl’s fresh veg, have been hit hard by the recent hot and dry weather which has dramatically lowered yields.

As a result, fruit and vegetables on the shelves will be smaller and look different, although they will taste the same.

Potatoes, onions, carrots, apples and Brussels sprouts are likely to be worst-affected, experts say.

For more, visit the BBC website.

Media company launches menopause app to staff

hand holding a phone displaying appsImmediate Media Co, the special interest and content platform company, has reportedly become the first media business to make the balance+ menopause app available to its staff.

Balance+ is said to have app users in 215 countries, with a mission to empower women with evidence-based medical knowledge about the perimenopause and menopause to help support diagnosis and access to treatment. Balance+ is focused on removing barriers to menopause support, especially in the workplace.

Balance+ has been designed to put the power into women’s hands, to help provide them with the relevant knowledge when seeking medical treatment, as well as supporting their family and friends during this time.

Making the balance+ app available for all Immediate employees, will provide access to specialist medically approved content and live sessions to help optimise their mental health, nutrition, sleep, physical health, sexual health and skin and hair.

Learn more about the app on the SHP website.

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