Mental Health Matters: Support Services

Close up of someone touching another person's hands comfortinglySeeking Mental Health Support

Seeking help isn’t always easy, especially for mental health problems. Unfortunately, the stigma around disclosing you are unwell still remains despite the many campaigns and open conversations that are happening every day across the country. It can also seem complicated, and it may feel like people aren’t listening to you, or do not understand how you feel.

Conversely you may be having a conversation with a friend, a loved one or a colleague and they reach out asking for help with their mental health. Whichever the situation, it is important to remember there is lots of help available out there.

There is no right or wrong order for people to try things in, as some support may be better suited to others, or may be more readily accessible. Different things work for different people at different times.

General Practitioner

Female doctor talking to a patientFor many people, our GP is the first place to go to when we’re feeling unwell. GPs are there to support you with mental health as well as physical health. A GP may be able to make a diagnosis, offer support and treatment such as talking therapy and/or medication, they may also be able to refer you to a psychiatrist.

Mental health charity Mind have a helpful, easy to follow guide on how to prepare for an appointment with your GP and how to discuss how you’re feeling with them.

Third Sector Support

Infographic summarising the services provided by Hub of Hope as described in the textThere are various charities and community organisations that can support with mental health problems and concerns, these are usually free or low cost, and a lot of the time people are able to refer themselves without the need to visit a GP.

Mental health charity Chasing the Stigma have a useful website called Hub of Hope – this is the UK’s leading mental health support database, that can help in finding local, national, peer, community, charity, private and NHS mental health support and services, both free and paid, from a simple postcode search.

If you are struggling with your mental health, we encourage you to reach out in whatever way is the most comfortable for you. Whether you seek help through a professional field or simply talk with a close friend or loved one, the most important thing is that you put your mental health first.

If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal, or could be a danger to themselves or others, make sure to call 999, your local crisis service or contact Samaritans or Crisis Text Line.

Through Mental Health First Aid training, both employers and their workforce can learn how to recognise the signs of a variety of mental health conditions in colleagues, how to discuss their needs with them, and how to help them access the appropriate support or services they need. WA Management offer Mental Health First Aid training both through open courses or private training days – for more information or to book onto a course, get in touch.

Written by Neil Ward, Training Consultant at WA Management.

Mental Health First Aid Training

If you’re interested in becoming certified in Mental Health First Aid, we offer courses up to QNUK Level 3 Award.

Read more Mental Health Matters blogs here.