Week commencing 18th February 2019 – In the News

New fire protection guidelines unveiled

On Monday, specialist property insurer FM Global published informative new guidelines on strategies to prevent fire damage in automated warehouses. The Protection for Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS) guidelines highlights areas such as sprinkler arrangement and position. The advice comes less than a month after a fire ravaged an Ocado Warehouses for 48 hours, causing enormous damage.

Read more on the guidelines HERE

Care home fined £60,000 after stairway fall

Earlier this week, we reported that a Scottish Care Home had been fined in excess of £60,000 after a resident died in a stairway fall. An extensive HSE investigation found that there were a series of Health and Safety breaches on the premises, chief amongst which was a faulty door-locking system. Intermittently, residents could access an unsafe area of the building.

Read more on the prosecution HERE

Council prosecuted after wall collapse

Basildon County Council has been heavily fined after a partial wall collapse left a six-year-old girl in intensive care. Despite repeated concerns from residents about the state of the wall, the Council failed to implement any inspection, maintenance or replacement strategy. As a consequence, the HSE prosecuted the Council, ordering them to pay over £20,000 in costs and damages.

Read more on the unfortunate story HERE

Pioneering real-time dust monitor unveiled

This week, the Manchester-based technology firm Trolex launched an advanced new particulate monitoring device: Air XD. This sophisticated device overcomes traditional problems associated with dust monitors, such as the ability to only accurately measure one particulate size. The Air XD offers employers real-time information on a multitude of dust and silica particulates, enabling them to make informed risk mitigation decisions.

Read more on the device HERE

Council warns of unsafe takeaways

This week, Gateshead Council soberingly warned consumers of some of the dangers of takeaway restaurants. More specifically, the Council revealed that an internal investigation uncovered that up to 70% of takeaways did not have the appropriate Gas Safety Certificates. This could potentially mean that the food was being cooked and prepared in an unsafe manner. The Council stated that the figures should serve as a wake-up call to inspectors.

Read more on the story HERE