Consultant Q&A Blog: Neil

We’re back again with another Consultant Q&A!

This time we’re chatting to Managing Consultant Neil about his role, goals, and recent challenges – keep reading to learn more.

What are you finding most interesting in your role currently?

Working with new clients, as it increases my exposure to different industry and methods of working, as well as the professional pride in working with them to improve practices.

What’s a challenge you have overcome recently?

My fear of using Excel to create graphs.

I recently bit the bullet and sat down with one of the more technologically-minded members of the team and learnt how to make more complex graphs.

What are you working on at the moment?

Updates to the legal register, specifically around the withdrawal of RPS 250 and how this may impact on our client base and the actions that may need to be taken to ensure no-one falls foul of it.

What’s a lesson you’ve learned lately?

I’ve been learning how to meditate and how to be present in the here and now without letting my mind wander. I also put this to use when I wrote this blog last month about applying mindfulness to driving, in order to reduce stress and anxiety on the road.

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