Top 10 Tips for Ensuring Welfare at Work

hot/cold water tap

By law, there are certain welfare facilities that businesses must provide for their workers and visitors to their premises. This is the minimum standard the employers must meet, however welfare in the workplace can be improved even more by further actions. Read out top ten tips to find out what you should be implementing in […]

Measures to Manage COVID-19 In the Workplace

A virus under a microscope all in green.

As the world adapts and changes amidst the coronavirus pandemic, new measures are being tried and tested to manage COVID-19 in the workplace. In this blog, we will be focusing on a range of devices and tools that can help you reduce touchpoints, enforce social distancing and protect staff in the workplace, to prevent the […]

Returning to Work

A woman sat on the floor in a living room on a laptop.

New Hazard of the Month Our Hazard of the Month is focusing on Returning to Work as many of us may now be back in the office and on-site. Apart from just remembering what it is like to not be in your pyjamas all day, there are a number of considerations to be aware of to make […]