Long-term exposure to excessive noise in the workplace can lead to irreversible hearing damage, so it is an essential aspect of any health and safety plan.
PPE plays a key role in mitigating this risk, but is it important to choose equipment that is suitable for the job.
What are the risks of noise exposure?
The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 aims to ensure that workers’ hearing is protected from excessive noise in their workplace.
The regulations outline the levels of noise at which controls must be implemented to reduce and prevent exposure to excessive noise levels.
These levels are calculated on a daily exposure (over 8 hours) or on a weekly average exposure and are outlined below:
Lower Action Value, 80dB(A) – Employers must assess the risk to workers’ health and provide information and training
Upper Action Value, 85dB(A) – Employers must provide hearing protection and hearing protection zones
Exposure Limit Value, 87dB(A) – Workers must not be exposed
Short term exposure to loud noises (peaks) can cause temporary changes to hearing e.g., ringing, tinnitus, muffled sounds, however may disappear within minutes or hours after leaving the noisy area.
Repeat exposure to high levels of noise can cause permanent changes to hearing e.g., permanent tinnitus, or hearing loss.
Noise can not only cause physical health problems but can also cause psychological health issues too such as, stress, reductions in productivity, concentration and communication issues.
Noise can also make it difficult for workers to hear warning signals/alarms.
Employers should carry out a risk assessment to decipher if any action is required and what action is necessary to reduce over exposure to noise in the workplace.
A risk assessment should identify where there may be a risk from noise and who is likely to be affected including estimates of noise exposure.
The risk assessment should then (where applicable) identify control measures required to reduce noise exposure and identify any operatives that need to be provided with health surveillance.
What PPE is needed for noise exposure?
Choosing the right ear protection for controlling noise exposure is essential. Consideration must be given to:
- Noise exposure levels – aim to reduce exposure to at least below 85dB(A)
- Comfort – employees may have different preferences and requirements for ear protection
- Other PPE – they may be being worn with other PPE that may hinder effectiveness
- Environment – consider comfort and how hygienic they are
- Required use duration – consider comfort
Consideration must also be given to ensuring hearing protection does not reduce hearing to below 70dB as operatives may have difficulty hearing warning signals/alarms in an emergency.
Different types of hearing protection offer different levels of protection depending on the Single Number Rating (SNR) which outlines the protective effect of a hearing protection product.
There are two types of ear protection, in ear protection such as disposable earplugs, push-to-fit earplugs, reusable earplugs, custom-moulder earplugs, and over ear protection such as earmuffs/defenders.
Both offering personal noise protection and having differing advantages as detailed below:
How do you maintain ear protectors?
Employers have a duty to maintain anything provided that intends to control noise.
To do so, they may implement a system that ensures noise-controlling equipment is maintained and remains effective in controlling noise exposure.
Employees should be provided training to ensure their understanding of risks they may be exposed to, and their duties and responsibilities including likely exposure, current controls, obtaining hearing protection, identifying and reporting defects, and health surveillance systems.
Employers must ensure employees store their hearing protection appropriately in a dry and clean condition, away from sunlight and extreme temperatures.
It may be necessary to keep them in a protective case to prevent damage and dirt build up.
Regular maintenance can include cleaning, checking the tension of a headband and the condition of seals and should be undertaken at frequent interval dependant on the usage i.e., using hearing protection daily for long periods may require weekly maintenance as opposed to use once a week for short periods.
Protection solutions may not be a permanent preventative measure and should be monitored to ensure their long-term, ongoing effectiveness for controlling noise exposure.
How can WA Management help?
WA Management offer online PPE and Noise at Work training courses, and we also have our own catalogue of compliant PPE available for purchase.
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