Safety Spotlight: Code of Conduct and Communication Skills

As part of April’s Hazard of the MonthBehavioural Management, we’re highlighting two key areas: Code of Conduct and Communication Skills.

Code of Conduct

A code of conduct outlines what leaders expect in behaviour throughout the company, covering integrity, objectivity, confidentiality, professionalism, and competence.

It fosters a positive work environment, guiding employees on how to interact respectfully with each other and with their employers, promoting good relationships.

A comprehensive code of conduct should include:

  • Company Values:
    • Business ethics
    • Corporate and social responsibility
    • Environmental policy
    • Diversity and inclusion
    • Employee rights
    • Company commitments
    • etc.
  • Employee Behaviour:
    • Professional standards
    • Social media use
    • Use of company property
    • Disciplinary processes
    • Misconduct reporting process
    • Rules for communication
    • Discrimination and sexual harassment policies
    • etc.
  • Internal Business Practices:
    • Annual leave policy
    • Maternity leave policy
    • Sickness leave policy
    • Phone use in the workplace
    • Dress code
    • Onboarding process
    • Organisational structure
    • Training procedures
    • Job duties
    • Workplace benefits
    • Absenteeism, attendance and punctuality
    • etc.

A code of conduct should be clear and easy to understand, and accessible to all members of staff.

There should also be a prescribed process for what happens if the code of conduct is violated by an employee. It is important to act upon the procedure in a timely manner, ensure the company’s actions are recorded, and that the investigation is kept confidential.

Learn more about the role of a code of conduct in the workplace with our Code of Conduct online training course, suitable for anyone in the workforce. Get 10% off this course with the code ‘management10’!

Communication Skills

Good communication throughout your organisation is the key to an effective business – helping to improve productivity, reduce stress, and build more meaningful working relationships.

There are a number of benefits to good communication skills in the workplace:

  • Increased motivation – Employees are more likely to understand and remember a concept if they understand the ‘why’ behind it.
  • Stronger loyalty – Treating and valuing employees as individual helps to solidify loyalty to a company.
  • Increased morale – If your team have a good understanding of the impact of their work, they are likely to have better job satisfaction.
  • Improved engagement – Better communication helps employees to see how their contribution can make a difference.
  • Higher productivity – Good communication allows your team to have a better understanding of their roles and how they can carry out their duties.
  • Reduced turnover – By increasing employee satisfaction and engagement, organisations are less likely to lose experienced and skilled staff.
  • Reduced workplace conflict – Reducing miscommunication can help to improve company culture and minimise the risk of misunderstandings and conflict.

Learn more  with our Communication Skills online training course, suitable for anyone in the workforce. Get 10% off this course with the code ‘management10’!

Code of Conduct and Communication Skills training courses are essential tools in improving health and safety culture in the workplace. Make sure you don’t miss out on our 10% off deal on these courses, available until the end of April. Simply enter the code ‘management10’ at checkout to save!

Read more Safety Spotlight blogs here

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