Safety Spotlight: CPR Essentials, Health and Safety Site Induction, and Personal Protective Equipment

As part of October’s Hazard of the Month, Injury, we’re highlighting three key areas: CPR Essentials, Health and Safety Site Induction, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

CPR Essentials

Someone performing CPRCardiopulmonary Resuscitation, also known as CPR, is a potentially life-saving emergency procedure, as it can buy enough time for the emergency services to reach the scene of an incident following a cardiac arrest – it more than doubles the chance of survival.

CPR should be carried out after opening the airway and checking for normal breathing, and it has been determined the casualty is not breathing normally. If available, get help and call for an AED, then chest compressions can start.

To start chest compressions:

  • Lean over the casualty and with your arms straight, press down on the centre of the breastbone 5–6 cm, then release the pressure
  • Repeat at a rate of about 100–120 times a minute
  • After 30 compressions open the airway again
  • If an AED is available use in accordance with your training/manufacturer’s instructions
  • Pinch the casualty’s nose closed and allow the mouth to open
  • Take a normal breath and place your mouth around the casualty’s mouth, making a good seal
  • Blow steadily into the mouth while watching for the chest rising
  • Remove your mouth from the casualty and watch for the chest falling
  • Give a second breath and then start 30 compressions again without delay
  • Continue with chest compressions and rescue breaths in a ratio of 30:2 until qualified help takes over or the casualty starts breathing normally.

Make sure you understand the theory of performing CPR in case of an emergency with our CPR Essentials Online Training Course. This course is suitable for anyone who wishes to know how to perform CPR – please note this course is not a replacement for a practical Emergency First Aid at Work course. Get 10% off this course with the code ‘injury10’!

Health and Safety Site Induction

Two construction workers on siteAll site workers must be given a suitable induction, which should be specific to the site and cover both risks and control measures that site workers need to be aware of. When conducting a site induction, the following should be considered:

  • The outline and management of the project
  • The responsibility of individual workers for health and safety
  • The commitment of senior management to health and safety
  • Arrangements for first aid
  • Arrangements for reporting accidents and incidents
  • Arrangements for briefing workers on an ongoing basis, e.g. toolbox talks
  • Arrangements for consulting the workforce on health and safety matters

Occasional or one-off visitors should also be provided with a site induction – this does not need to cover everything, but should be proportionate to the nature of the visit.

Ensure you and your employees understand the the Health and Safety procedures in a working environment with our Health and Safety Site Induction Training Course. This course is suitable for anyone working on a site. Get 10% off this course with the code ‘injury10’!

Personal Protective Equipment

Employer ppe duties as set out in the textBy law, employers must protect workers from health and safety risks – this includes providing appropriate PPE, free of charge, if a risk assessment determines it is needed. This may include safety helmets, gloves, eye or hearing protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear and harnesses. Employers have a duty to:

  • Ensure PPE is properly assessed before use to make sure it is fit for purpose
  • Store and maintain PPE properly
  • Provide workers with instructions on how to use PPE safely
  • Ensure workers use PPE correctly

Situations were PPE might be needed include:

  • breathing in dust, mist, gas or fume
  • falling materials hitting people
  • flying particles or splashes of corrosive liquids getting into people’s eyes
  • skin contact with corrosive materials
  • excessive noise
  • extremes of heat or cold

PPE must comply with product supply legislation.

Learn more about the provision and use of PPE with our Personal Protective Equipment Online Training. This course is suitable for both employees and employers, and provides awareness education. Get 10% off this course with the code ‘injury10’!

CPR Essentials, Health and Safety Site Induction, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) training courses are essential tools in preventing workplace injuries. Make sure you don’t miss out on our 10% off deal on these courses, available until the end of October. Simply enter the code ‘injury10’ at checkout to save!

Read more Safety Spotlight blogs here

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