Week Commencing 11/10/2021 – In The News

School trust fined after putting children’s health at ‘significant risk’

Hand feeding a goat

The Spencer Academies Trust has been fined after failing to control the risk to humans from infectious diseases carried by animals.

Southern Derbyshire Magistrates’ Court heard how the Trust, which operates 12 schools, failed to properly control the risk from zoonotic diseases to employees, pupils and visitors at one of its academies. The academy school was home to several animals including goats, pigs and rabbits.

The HSE’s investigation found that the trust had failed to provide adequate washing facilities to control the risks of disease to employees, pupils and visitors to the academy.  The academy had also failed to provide suitable housing for the animals to minimise the risk to children as well as adequate training for staff.

Read the full story on the SHP website.

Sports nutrition supplier’s employee severs fingers

A bandaged hand

Liverpool Magistrates Court heard how, on the 13 September 2019, a production operative, employed by Applied Nutrition Ltd at their Webber Estate site in Knowsley, was cleaning one of the product transfer screws. The operative had switched off the screw at the control panel, but had not switched off the machine at the main electricity supply. After cleaning the screw, the operative went to replace it. However, the power had inadvertently been turned back on and the screw began to operate when it came into contact with the drive motor. This resulted in the severing of three fingers and part of the palm of the operative’s right hand. He remained in hospital for eight days and has since undergone several operations.  The injury has significantly changed the man’s life and has impacted on daily tasks and restricted the leisure activities he used to take part in.

For more on the incident, visit the HSM website.

Home Office looks to externally commission updates to Fire Safety Order guidance documents

Fire safety related icons (e.g fire door, flame etc) on small wooden blocks

As part of its overhaul of guidance on The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 – the Fire Safety Order (FSO) – the Home Office is seeking to externally commission new guides and updates to existing guidance documents.

According to the FIA, the guidance in this requirement, which is the third tranche of their programme, will be needed by Q3 of 2022 when the fire safety provisions in the Building Safety Bill (BSB) may be enacted. 

Five new guides are required including: 

  1. A brief explainer on fire doors that captures any regulatory changes
  2. A summary of the sanctions available for breaches of the FSO
  3. An implementation guide for the primary fire safety changes planned through the BSB 
  4. A comprehensive overarching fire risk assessment guide
  5. An overlap guide explaining the difference between a Responsible Person and an Accountable Person under the BSB.  

Learn more about the updates on the SHP website.

Construction company fined for employee asbestos exposure

'Danger asbestos' sign

MS Properties (Northern) Ltd have been fined for safety breaches after employees were exposed to asbestos on 22 March 2019 after removing false ceiling tiles during a shop conversion at 309-315 Hessle Road, Hull.

Beverley Magistrates’ Court heard that the company had not commissioned a refurbishment asbestos survey prior to the work commencing. Employees removed over 1000m2 of asbestos insulation board (AIB) ceiling tiles in an uncontrolled manner, exposing them to asbestos.

Read more about the case on the HSE website.


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