Week commencing 24th September – In the News

Dealing with the “hidden” issue of fatigue in the workplace

This week, Occupational Health research company Third Pillar of Health looked at the consequences of fatigue in the workplace. The report elucidated how not only how the vast majority of professionals in the UK are not getting the full amount of sleep they need, but also the impact of this on their personal and professional lives.

Click HERE to read more

And get in touch HERE to find out how you can mitigate risks in the workplace

Alton Towers crash victims to sue

Two victims who both required a leg amputation after the 2015 Smiler Rollercoaster Crash at Alton Towers have indicated their desire to sue the park owners. Leah Washington and Vicky Balch suffered the life changing injuries after their carriage struck another. Lawyers on their behalf cited the ‘catastrophic failure’ of the theme park to comply with safety laws.

Read a full report of the case HERE


 The Ladder Association offers a free Ladder Safety Pack to help improve ladder competence

In an effort to drive down injuries relating to falls from height, which still account for a large proportion of workplace injuries, the Ladder Association has unveiled its new ‘Get a Grip’ campaign. The not-for-profit organisation hopes the campaign will increase ladder competence, and more generally improve awareness of the dangers.

If you or your company have any concerns about falling from height, contact WA Management HERE now for a free quotation on Risk Assessments.

Click HERE to read the original article 

 ARCO Safety call for more defibrillator training in the workplace

Safety experts ARCO this week called for greater defibrillator training to be implemented across a variety of workplaces. The demands were made in the run up to World Heart Day, which takes place this Saturday 29th September.

Read the full article HERE for more



Safe Shores Monitoring awarded contract to produce lone working protection devices by HSE

The security specialists Safe Shores have been offered the contract to produce the devices for 360 HSE inspectors. The pioneering GPS-enabled devices overcome the traditional difficulties a lone worker may face, such as a lack of mobile signal. Furthermore, a state-of-the-art Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) has been established to ensure that an appropriate and effective response is administered promptly.

Read the summary HERE

And make sure you watch our social media accounts for more information on Lone Working soon. 

Serious injuries soar in Offshore Wind Sector

A report commissioned by G+ Global Offshore Wind has found that serious injuries requiring urgent medical attention nearly doubled between 2016-2017. Although there were no fatalities in the sector, the data highlights the need for Health and Safety professionals to constantly monitor and improve their approach. A sector as dynamic and pioneering as offshore wind provides an opportunity for this.

Read the full article HERE