Consultant Q&A Blog: Kev

We’re back again with another Consultant Q&A! This time we’re chatting to Management Systems Consultant Kev about his role, goals, and recent lessons – keep reading to learn more. What are you finding most interesting in your role currently? Every client’s business is different, and the beauty is in the discovery: I love meeting with the […]

Consultant Q&A Blog: Jake

Introducing a new blog series: Consultant Q&As! We wanted to give you more of an insight into the working lives of our consultants, and give them a platform for their experiences in the industry. First up is Managing SHEQ Consultant Jake, who is going to share his current focuses, and recent challenges. Over to him! […]

Changes for 2015

The next 12 months will be a busy one for WA Management as changes are a foot across the board. The largest changes we expect are the revisions to the ISO 9001 standard and the CDM (Construction Design and Management) Regulations. Both are expected to be significant and will mean a large percentage of our […]