Week commencing 22nd July – In the News

The sun shining brightly in the blue sky among clouds.

Health and safety concerns over heatwave As we are certain you are aware, this week saw the UK reach record-breaking scorching temperatures. With increased temperature and sunlight exposure, many health and safety specialists took the opportunity to highlight some of the hazards of working in the heat. Ranging from suitable thermal comfort levels in offices […]

Working at Height: A High Price to pay for Mishaps

A person working at height against the side of a building with a harness on.

WA Management provides professional, adaptable and appropriate solutions for your Health and Safety needs. Our research blogs take a detailed look at particularly topical areas of the sector, or risks that are repeatedly overlooked. This week, we cast our scrutinising eye onto a pressing Health and Safety challenge. Falls from Height continue to be one […]

Week commencing 6th May – In the News

A person working at height against the side of a building with a harness on.

New ‘Hazard of the Month’ for WA Management This week, we unveiled our latest ‘Hazard of the Month’ for May, which is Working at Height. Each month, we take a scrutinising look at some of the key aspects of a particular hazard, such as the way it is classified and how the risks associated with […]

Week commencing 29th April – In the News

A yellow crane

HSE Fine after ‘careless removal’ of asbestos       Last week, we reported on an Oldham-based building contractor which was fined heavily by the HSE after it undertook the unauthorised removal of dangerous substances, including asbestos. The contractor in question appeared to strip a garage ceiling without any safety precautions in place, and left the dangerous […]