Tag: business strategy

What To Expect From WA Management During the Covid-19 Pandemic

'Coronavirus Update' in a blue font alongside two blue megaphone illustrations against a slightly transparent green background which features viruses under a microscope.

As you know, the current guidance from the government has advised home working and social distancing where possible. We just want you to know WA Management continues to operate as normal and therefore still able to meet our customer’s requirements in terms of Health, Safety and Management System support. By doing this we will be […]

Guidance on Managing Covid-19 at Work

'Coronavirus Update' in a blue font alongside two blue megaphone illustrations against a slightly transparent green background which features viruses under a microscope.

Below are some steps you can be taking within your business, both to try and protect your employees and keep your company running safely during the current Covid-19 Pandemic. Maintaining Hygiene Ensure handwashing facilities are available, with soap, warm water and disposable towels. Set up additional areas with hand sanitiser, tissues and closed bins where […]