Consultant Q&A Blog: Kev

We’re back again with another Consultant Q&A!

This time we’re chatting to Management Systems Consultant Kev about his role, goals, and recent lessons – keep reading to learn more.

What are you finding most interesting in your role currently?

Every client’s business is different, and the beauty is in the discovery: I love meeting with the people who make the magic happen and finding out about their everyday challenges and triumphs.

It’s especially rewarding when we identify a way to make their life easier or improve the way they work; there’s always more to know and it’s great to be able to have a positive impact, be that through discussing changes in industry practices, the introduction of new processes or a point of law.

We’re a people-centric business, so it’s that interface with clients that gives meaning and purpose to the work we do.

What skill do you feel you’ve developed the most since joining WA Management?

Having progressed through Quality and Environmental audits into H&S, I’m developing a broad scope of knowledge in the way we audit and how we add value through consulting.

What are you working on at the moment?

I’m working on developing the consulting part of my role, focussing on the follow through from the audits to give our clients a meaningful return on their investment. I’m also looking forward to producing more board reports and fire risk assessments, delivering a greater range of useful services.

What’s a lesson you’ve learned lately?

I learn something new every day, but gaining more insight into what CDM Regulations might be prescient at various sites for our construction clients is an area of particular interest.

What is an easy fire safety win in the workplace? (hazard of the month question)

Always make sure anything vaguely flammable is stored properly, well away from sources of ignition.

Want to hear more from our consultants? Read the blogs they’ve written here.

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