Week Commencing 20/12/2021 – In The News

Top ten tips for lone working over the festive period

Delivery driver outside white vanAs the countdown to Christmas begins it’s important to remember the added risks this time of year can bring. It’s always imperative to look after your lone workers, and to consider your personal safety when working alone –  but even more so when a situation changes, such as adverse weather conditions or a greater chance of social risk due to extra alcohol consumption. As well as the moral implications of not doing whatever is reasonably achievable to protect the health and safety of your employees there are also financial implications, risk of brand damage and in some cases you could find yourself serving a custodial sentence.

Therefore, it’s important you and your employees a fully prepared to deal with any extra risks the festive period may bring up. Here, SoloProtect discusses ways in which lone workers can remain safe over the festive season.

Read SoloProtect’s advice on the SHP website.

Demolition work must be properly planned and managed to prevent serious injury

Demolished buildingGreat Britain’s workplace regulator is asking demolition and construction firms to double-down on thorough planning, management and control of demolition and refurbishment work.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is asking that businesses properly plan, organise, manage, and monitor their work and use competent people to avoid incidents and ill health amongst their workers and the public.

It is reminding companies that the safer they are, the more efficient they are. Good health and safety management increases the likelihood of contracts coming in on time and within budget with fewer added costs, and often to a higher quality.

Read more on the HSE website.

How to stand out safely this winter

Man in high visibility jacketArco advises on managing workers comfort in winter, while also sharing guidance on being safe and seen when working outdoors during the months ahead.

As we move into the winter season, people who spend time working outdoors will face freezing temperatures, heavy rain and strong winds which can cause irrational or unsafe behaviour as ill-equipped employees can make mistakes and take shortcuts to avoid being exposed.

Studies show that accidents can increase by up to 35% as a result so it’s essential that employers ensure workers are protected from the effects of working outdoors, in order to prevent cold stress and cold related injuries.

Visit the SHP website to read the full advice.

Livestock market prosecuted after employee attacked

Horned bullA livestock market partnership has been prosecuted after an employee was attacked by a horned bull prior to auction.

Telford Magistrates’ Court heard how, on 16 September 2019, a drover employed by McCartneys LLP was moving livestock at the auction site when he was attacked by the bull while trying to secure the animal in a pen. He suffered a serious laceration to his leg.

An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found that cattle handling activities had not been adequately risk assessed and the system of work for moving cattle was unsafe. The bull, who had been identified as fractious and potentially aggressive, was being moved a distance of approximately 40 metres to get to designated isolation pens for difficult cattle. The risk of a drover being injured by a bull, potentially agitated by travel and unfamiliar surroundings, should have been eliminated by segregating staff from the livestock. Reasonably practicable steps taken following the incident allowed fractious bulls to be penned immediately after they were booked in at the cattle crush, avoiding any possible contact with droving staff.

Learn more on the HSM website.

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