Week Commencing 08/11/2021 – In The News

Impact of climate change on workers’ health and safety

Hand holding a globeWith the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in full swing, SHP looks at the importance of the event on a global scale, while also focusing on how the effects of climate change are seeping into the workplace, exploring what businesses can do to safeguard staff and contribute to the global effort.

The main goals of COP26, drafted to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, are as follows:

  • Secure global net zero by 2050 and keep 1.5 degrees within reach
  • Adapt to protect communities and natural habitats
  • Mobilise finance – to deliver the first two goals, developed countries must mobilise at least $100bn in climate finance per year
  • Work together to deliver – countries must accelerate action to tackle the climate crisis through collaboration between governments, businesses, and civil society.

Find out more about the impact on workers on the SHP website.

Is cybersecurity the next big thing for quality professionals?

Andrew Nichols, Quality Programme Manager at Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center, argues that data breaches can be disastrous for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It’s time for quality managers to look at how their management systems can help protect their business.

Cybersecurity breaches often make the news headlines, especially as large organisations tend to be the main victims – BA, Equifax, Marriott and NHS patient data have all been subject to cyberattacks recently. We rarely learn about the impact of information security attacks on small and medium-sized businesses, though, partly because they aren’t given as much prominence in the media. Attacks against these smaller companies can and do happen, however – often with disastrous consequences.

Read more on the CQI blog.

St John Ambulance warns lives are ‘at risk’ due to lack of office first aiders

First aid trainee giving cpr to a dummySt John Ambulance warns lives could be lost at work due to a lack of trained first aiders on site, as research reveals 50% of employees now permanently enjoy flexible home and office working.

The health charity found that less than half (49%) of the 2,000 UK workers surveyed believed there was a designated first aider in their workplace.

This was despite 40% saying they had once witnessed an accident at work that required first aid – of which more than a quarter (27%) were life-threatening. Only four in 10 said they would know what to do in a health emergency themselves.

Read more about the research on the SHP website.

Toyota’s journey to sustainable mobility

Toyota signToday, many associate the household name, Toyota, with sustainability, partly due to the omnipresence of their hybrid vehicle, the Prius. For World Quality Week 2021, the CQI’s CEO Vince Desmond, looks at the evolution of Toyota’s business model as an example of how this year’s theme – Sustainability: improving our products, people and planet – and the CQI’s Quality 4.0 principles link quality management with creating value for customers and society.

Find out about Toyota’s journey through the years on the CQI blog.

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