Week commencing 29th July – In the News

WA Management unveil new ‘Hazard of the Month’

Each month, WA Management allocate a key risk, hazard or overlooked topic to be their ‘Hazard of the Month’. This week, we unveiled that Fire and Fire Safety would take the coveted spot for August. This means that tailored research blogs and news updates around the hazard will be posted across our social media platforms. Also, keep your eyes peeled for exclusive discounts and more!

Click HERE to head to our twitter page and find out more today


Untrained worker killed in fall

This week, we reported on a concluding HSE investigation into the death of a worker who fell from a tree whilst undertaking work. The victim was not secured by safety ropes or anchored to the tree before falling, sustaining injuries from which he sadly died two weeks later. The property investment company which commissioned the work was found to have failed to implement any suitable work at height training.

Read more on the tragic case from SHPOnline HERE


Huge fine after unsafe gas work

A housing development company based in Warwickshire has been fined £280,000 after it commissioned unsafe gas work, which resulted in dangerous gas escapes and fires. The company was found to have undertaken gas hob installations with operatives who were either not Gas Safe Registered or were operating beyond their capacity and training. The HSE highlighted the recklessness of the actions in their investigation

Read more about the prosecution HERE


Electric gate firm fined after fatality

An electric gate installation company based in Leeds has been fined by the HSE after it was uncovered that they had not done enough to highlight the dangers of the mechanism. This was found to have contributed the tragic death of a six-year-old, who died after becoming trapped in the opening mechanism. Furthermore, the company had not maintained the machine or rectified the error in the six years prior to the incident.

Read more on the case HERE


Three confirmed injured in scaffold collapse

On Thursday morning, we reported on the breaking news that three people had been injured by a scaffold collapse in Reading. Witnesses recalled hearing deafening sounds before the massive structure toppled over. Only a day later, on Friday, the union Unite stated that a full inquiry should be undertaken to understand the causes of the accident. The HSE has commented that it has begun initial investigations.

Read more on the case as it emerges HERE